Minggu, 31 Juli 2011
Branding Baru Pariwisata RI Mengacu pada 5 Kriteria
Menteri Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata (Menbudpar) Ir. Jero Wacik, SE menegaskan, branding baru pariwisata Wonderful Indonesia mengacu pada lima kreteria yakni; nature, culture, people, food, and money. “Kelima kreteria ini kita jadikan sebagai wonderful of nature, wonderful of culture, wonderful of people, wonderful of food, dan wonderful value of money. Kelima keteria ini membuat pariwisata kita unggul,” kata Menbudpar Jero Wacik saat memberi pengarahan dalam acara Sosialisasi Rentra Kemenbudpar 2010-2014 di Balirung Gedung Sapta Pesona Jakarta, Selasa (11/1).
Menbudpar Jero Wacik mengatakan, kelima kreteria tersebut sengaja diangkat berdasarkan pengalaman ketika menerima penghargaan The Best Destination Island in the World oleh Travel and Leisure Magazine di New York, Amerika Serikat beberapa waktu lalu. Majalah pariwisata terbesar itu melakukan vote kepada wisatawan dunia tentang, manakah tempat pariwisata terbaik di dunia? Menurut wisatawan dunia adalah Bali The Best Island in the World.
“Saya tanyakan kepada mereka, kreteria yang digunakan untuk menetentukan sebagai The Best Island in the World tersebut adalah lima kreteria itu; nature, culture, people, food, and money,” kata Menbudpar Jero Wacik.
Kelima kreteria tersebut, menurut Menbudpar Jero Wacik , dimiliki Indonesia sehingga branding Wonderful Indonesia dinilai sangat cocok. “Presiden RI juga telah menyetujui branding baru pariwisata tersebut, “katanya seraya menguraikan, alam (nature) kita paling indah di dunia. Ada laut, pantai, gunung, hutan, safana, serta beranekaragam flora dan fauna.
Wonderful of culture, budaya Indonesia beraneka ragam dari Sabang hingga Merauke sehingga menjadi aset dalam mengembangkan pariwisata. Begitu pula wonderful of pople, masyarakat Indonesia di kenal dunia ramah tamah, “Masyarakat kita 99% senyum,” katanya.
Begitu pula untuk wonderful of food, makanan atau kuliner Indonesia terkenal di dunia. Kuliner ini menjadi daya tarik pariwisata, sedangkan wonderful value of money menjadikan pariwisata Indonesia memiliki daya saing tinggi. Tarif dan pelayanan hotel di Indonesia jauh lebih menarik dibandingkan negara lain. Begitu juga untuk makanan, minuman, dan cinderemata di Indonesia lebih kompetitif.
Acara sosialisasi Rencana Strategis (Rentra) Kemenbudpar 2010-2014 diikuti seluruh pejabat Eselon Satu, Dua, Tiga, dan Empat di lingkungan Kementerian Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata. (Pusformas)(Sumber : budpar.go.id)
Senin, 25 Juli 2011
Joko Suratno, SE – DPD Asita Jateng
1. Definisi
Environmentally responsible travel and visit to relatively undisturbed natural areas, in order to enjoy and appreciate nature (and any accompanying cultural features, both past and present) that promote conservation, has low visitor impact and provides for beneficially active socio economic involment of local population (ceballos –luscurain, 1996)
Ekowisata adalah perjalanan oleh seseorang wisatawan ke daerah terpencil dengan tujuan menikmati dan mempelajari mengenai alam, sejarah, dan budaya di suatu daerah, dimana pola wisatanya membantu ekonomi masyarakat lokal dan mendukung pelestarian alam.
2. Tujuan Ekowisata
1. Mewujudkan penyelenggaraan wisata yang bertanggung jawab yang mendukung upaya pelestarian lingkungan alam peninggalan sejarah dan budaya
2. meningkatkan partisipasi masyarakat dan memberikan manfaat ekonomi kepada masyarakat setempat
3. Menjadi model bagi pengembangan pariwisata lainya melalui penerapan kaidah-kaidah ekowisata
Beberapa aspek kunci dalam ekowisata adalah :
- Jumlah pengnjung terbatas atau diatur supaya sesuai dengan daya dukung linkungan dan sosial budaya masyarakat
- Pola wisata ramah lingkungan
- Pola wisata ramah budaya dan adat setempat
- Membantu secara langsung perekonomian masyarakat lokal
- Modal awal yang diperlukan untuk infrastruktur tidak besar (partisipasi masyarakat)
3. Ekowisata berbasis masyarakat
Pola pengemasan ekowisata berbasis masyarakat adalah pola pengembagnan ekowisata yang mendukung dan memungkinkan keterlibatan penuh oleh masyarakat setempat dalam perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan pengelolaan usaha ekowisata dan segala keuntungan yang diperoleh
Ekowisata berbasis masyarakat merupakan usaha ekowisata yang menitikberatkan peran aktif komunitas. Hal tersebut didasarkan pada kenyataan bahwa masyarakat memiliki pengetahuan tentang alam serta budaya yang menjadi potensi dan nilai jual sebagai daya tarik wisata sehingga pelibatan masyarakat menjadi mutlak. Pola ekowisata berbasis masyarakat mengakui hak masyarakat lokal dalam mengelola kegiatan wisata di kawasan yang mereka miliki secara adat ataupun sebagai pengelola.
Ekowisata berbasis masyarakat dapat menciptakan kesempatan kerja bagi masyarakat setempat dan mengurangi kemiskinan, dimana penghasilan ekowisata adalah dari jasa-jasa wisata untuk turis seperti fee sebagai pemandu wisata, ongkos sewa transportasi, homestay, menjual kerajinan, membuka warung dll. Ekowisata membuka dampak positif terhadap pelestarian lingkungan dan budaya asli setempat yang pada akhirnya diharapkan akan mampu menumbuhkan jati diri dan arasa bangga antar penduduk setempat yang tumbuh akibat peningkatan kegiatan ekowisata
Dengan adanya pola ekowisata berbasis masyarakat bukan berarti bahwa masyarakat petungkriyono menjalankan usaha ekowisata sendiri. Tataran implementasi ekowisata perlu dipandang sebagai bagian dari perencanaan pembangunan terpadu yang dilakukan disuatu daerah. Untuk itu pelibatan para pihak terkait mulai dari level komunitas, masyarakat, akademisi, pemerintah, dunia usaha dan organisasi non pemerintah diharapkan membangun suatu jaringan dan menjalankan suatu kemitraan yang baik sesuai dengan peran dan keahlian masing-masing
Beberapa aspek kunci dalam ekowisata berbasis masyarakat adalah :
- Perlunya masyarakat membentuk panitia atau lembaga untuk pengelolaan kegiatan ekowisata di daerahnya dengan dukungan dari pemerintah dan organisasi masyarakat
- Prinsip lokal ownsersip, pengelolaan dan kepemilikan oleh masyarakat setempat. Diterapkan sedapat mungkin terhadap sarana dan prasarana ekowisata
- Homestay menjadi pilihan utama untuk sarana akomodasi di lokasi wisata
- Pemandu wisata adalah orang setempat
- Perintisan, pengelolaan dan pemeliharaan menjadi tanggung jawab masyarakat setempat. Termasuk menentukan biaya pemandu, transport dll.
Prinsip dan kriteria ekowisata
1. Prinsip Berkelanjutan dari aspek ekonomi, sosial dan lingkungan
- Prinsip daya dukung lingkungan diperhatikan dimana tingkat kunjungan dan kegiatan wisatawan pada daerah tujuan ekowisata dikelola sesuai dengan batas batas yang dapat diterima baik dari segi alam maupun sosial budaya
- Sedapat mungkin menggunakan teknologi ramah lingkungan, listrik tenaga surya, biogas, dll
- Mendorong terbentuknya kawasan ekowisata peruntukan khusus dan pengelolaan diberikan kepada masyarakat
2. Prinsip pengembangan institusi masyarakat lokal dan kemitraan
- Dibangun kemitraan antara masyarakat dengan tour operator untuk memasarkan dan mempromosikan produk ekowisata, dan antara lembaga masyarakat dan dinas pariwisata
- Adanya pembagian yang adil dari pendapatan jasa ekowisata di masyarakat
- Organisasi masyarakat membuat panduan kode etik secara tertulis selama wisatawan berada di wilayah ekowisata
- Ekowisata berprinsip melindungi hak paten atas karya intelektual masyarakat : foto, kesenian, pengetahuan tradisional, musik dll
3. Ekonomi berbasis masyarakat
- ekonomi mendorong regulasi yang mengatur standar kelayakan homestay sesuai dengan kondisi lingkungan
- ekowisata mendorong adanya prosedur sertifikasi pemandu sesuai kondisi lokasi wisata
- mendorong ketersediaan homestay
- ekowisata dan tour operator ikut mendorong peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan serta perilaku ekowisata terutama masyarakat
4. Prinsip Edukasi
- Kegiatan ekowisata mendorong masyarakat mendukung dan mengembangkan upaya konservasi
- Edukasi tentang budaya setempat dan konservasi untuk para turis menjadi bagian dari ekowisata
- Mengembangkan skema dimana para tamu secara sukarela terlibat dalam kegiatan konservasi dan pengelolaan kawasan ekowisata selama kunjungan.
5. Pengembangan dan penerapan rencana dan kerangka kerja pengelolaan lokasi ekowisata
- kegiatan ekowisata telah memperhitungkan tingkat pemanfaatan dan kualitas daya dukung lingkungan kawasan tujuan melalui pelaksanaan zonasi dan pengaturan waktu kunjungan
- fasilitas pendukung dibangun tidak merusak pada ekosistem yang unik dan rentan
- rancangan fasilitas umum sedapat mungkin mengacu sesuai tradisi lokal
- ada sistem pengelolaan sampah di sekitar fasilitas umum
- mengembangkan paket wisata yang mengedepankan budaya, seni dan trasdisi lokal
- kegiatan sehari-hari seperti panen, menanam , mencari ikan, berburu dapat dimasukan ke dalam atraksi lokal untuk memperkenalkan wisatawan pada cara hidup masyarakat dan mengajak mereka menghargai pengetahuan dan kearifan lokal
Pemasaran Produk ekowisata
Ada dua aspek yang sangat terkait dan perlu dibahas secara bersamaan jika ingin mengembangkan ekowisata berbasis masyarakat sebagai suatu usaha yang berhasil
Pertama, usaha harus layak secara ekonomi, menghasilkan pendapatan yang signifikan untuk masyarakat setempat dan dikelola secara profesional
Kedua, usaha tersebut perlu adil, bermanfaat buat masyarakat lokal sebagai mitra utama dan pendukung konservasi secara nyata
Dalam pengembangan pemasaran, strategi pencitraan (branding) dan promosi untuk suatu produk wisata sangat penting, melalui :
- mengikuti kegiatan promosi dan pemasaran berskala nasional dan internasional
- melakukan survei pasar secara berkala untuk mengetahui dinamika pasar
- mengidentifikasi target pasar untuk suatu produk ekowisata yang dikembangkan
- menyelenggarakan promosi secara khusus melalui fam trip, media dll
- membuka dan menjalin hubungan terbuka dengan pihak swasta dan mendorong adanya kesepakatan antara organisasi masyarakat dengan tour operator
atraksi wisata
- Petualangan rimba
- Petualangan sungai
- Budaya petungkriyono
- Pengamatan kehidupan liar
- Peninggalan arkeologi
- Stasiun penelitian hutan tropis
- Paket tracking
- rumah tinggal di semua desa dan kamar inap di tengah penduduk
Pengelola lokal
- panitia ekowisata di tingkat desa / kecamatan petungkriyono
- Buku Panduan travel
- Pameran tingkat nasional lewat dinas pariwisata
- Website lokal dan nasional
- tour operator di Pekalongan
1. Definisi
Environmentally responsible travel and visit to relatively undisturbed natural areas, in order to enjoy and appreciate nature (and any accompanying cultural features, both past and present) that promote conservation, has low visitor impact and provides for beneficially active socio economic involment of local population (ceballos –luscurain, 1996)
Ekowisata adalah perjalanan oleh seseorang wisatawan ke daerah terpencil dengan tujuan menikmati dan mempelajari mengenai alam, sejarah, dan budaya di suatu daerah, dimana pola wisatanya membantu ekonomi masyarakat lokal dan mendukung pelestarian alam.
2. Tujuan Ekowisata
1. Mewujudkan penyelenggaraan wisata yang bertanggung jawab yang mendukung upaya pelestarian lingkungan alam peninggalan sejarah dan budaya
2. meningkatkan partisipasi masyarakat dan memberikan manfaat ekonomi kepada masyarakat setempat
3. Menjadi model bagi pengembangan pariwisata lainya melalui penerapan kaidah-kaidah ekowisata
Beberapa aspek kunci dalam ekowisata adalah :
- Jumlah pengnjung terbatas atau diatur supaya sesuai dengan daya dukung linkungan dan sosial budaya masyarakat
- Pola wisata ramah lingkungan
- Pola wisata ramah budaya dan adat setempat
- Membantu secara langsung perekonomian masyarakat lokal
- Modal awal yang diperlukan untuk infrastruktur tidak besar (partisipasi masyarakat)
3. Ekowisata berbasis masyarakat
Pola pengemasan ekowisata berbasis masyarakat adalah pola pengembagnan ekowisata yang mendukung dan memungkinkan keterlibatan penuh oleh masyarakat setempat dalam perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan pengelolaan usaha ekowisata dan segala keuntungan yang diperoleh
Ekowisata berbasis masyarakat merupakan usaha ekowisata yang menitikberatkan peran aktif komunitas. Hal tersebut didasarkan pada kenyataan bahwa masyarakat memiliki pengetahuan tentang alam serta budaya yang menjadi potensi dan nilai jual sebagai daya tarik wisata sehingga pelibatan masyarakat menjadi mutlak. Pola ekowisata berbasis masyarakat mengakui hak masyarakat lokal dalam mengelola kegiatan wisata di kawasan yang mereka miliki secara adat ataupun sebagai pengelola.
Ekowisata berbasis masyarakat dapat menciptakan kesempatan kerja bagi masyarakat setempat dan mengurangi kemiskinan, dimana penghasilan ekowisata adalah dari jasa-jasa wisata untuk turis seperti fee sebagai pemandu wisata, ongkos sewa transportasi, homestay, menjual kerajinan, membuka warung dll. Ekowisata membuka dampak positif terhadap pelestarian lingkungan dan budaya asli setempat yang pada akhirnya diharapkan akan mampu menumbuhkan jati diri dan arasa bangga antar penduduk setempat yang tumbuh akibat peningkatan kegiatan ekowisata
Dengan adanya pola ekowisata berbasis masyarakat bukan berarti bahwa masyarakat petungkriyono menjalankan usaha ekowisata sendiri. Tataran implementasi ekowisata perlu dipandang sebagai bagian dari perencanaan pembangunan terpadu yang dilakukan disuatu daerah. Untuk itu pelibatan para pihak terkait mulai dari level komunitas, masyarakat, akademisi, pemerintah, dunia usaha dan organisasi non pemerintah diharapkan membangun suatu jaringan dan menjalankan suatu kemitraan yang baik sesuai dengan peran dan keahlian masing-masing
Beberapa aspek kunci dalam ekowisata berbasis masyarakat adalah :
- Perlunya masyarakat membentuk panitia atau lembaga untuk pengelolaan kegiatan ekowisata di daerahnya dengan dukungan dari pemerintah dan organisasi masyarakat
- Prinsip lokal ownsersip, pengelolaan dan kepemilikan oleh masyarakat setempat. Diterapkan sedapat mungkin terhadap sarana dan prasarana ekowisata
- Homestay menjadi pilihan utama untuk sarana akomodasi di lokasi wisata
- Pemandu wisata adalah orang setempat
- Perintisan, pengelolaan dan pemeliharaan menjadi tanggung jawab masyarakat setempat. Termasuk menentukan biaya pemandu, transport dll.
Prinsip dan kriteria ekowisata
1. Prinsip Berkelanjutan dari aspek ekonomi, sosial dan lingkungan
- Prinsip daya dukung lingkungan diperhatikan dimana tingkat kunjungan dan kegiatan wisatawan pada daerah tujuan ekowisata dikelola sesuai dengan batas batas yang dapat diterima baik dari segi alam maupun sosial budaya
- Sedapat mungkin menggunakan teknologi ramah lingkungan, listrik tenaga surya, biogas, dll
- Mendorong terbentuknya kawasan ekowisata peruntukan khusus dan pengelolaan diberikan kepada masyarakat
2. Prinsip pengembangan institusi masyarakat lokal dan kemitraan
- Dibangun kemitraan antara masyarakat dengan tour operator untuk memasarkan dan mempromosikan produk ekowisata, dan antara lembaga masyarakat dan dinas pariwisata
- Adanya pembagian yang adil dari pendapatan jasa ekowisata di masyarakat
- Organisasi masyarakat membuat panduan kode etik secara tertulis selama wisatawan berada di wilayah ekowisata
- Ekowisata berprinsip melindungi hak paten atas karya intelektual masyarakat : foto, kesenian, pengetahuan tradisional, musik dll
3. Ekonomi berbasis masyarakat
- ekonomi mendorong regulasi yang mengatur standar kelayakan homestay sesuai dengan kondisi lingkungan
- ekowisata mendorong adanya prosedur sertifikasi pemandu sesuai kondisi lokasi wisata
- mendorong ketersediaan homestay
- ekowisata dan tour operator ikut mendorong peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan serta perilaku ekowisata terutama masyarakat
4. Prinsip Edukasi
- Kegiatan ekowisata mendorong masyarakat mendukung dan mengembangkan upaya konservasi
- Edukasi tentang budaya setempat dan konservasi untuk para turis menjadi bagian dari ekowisata
- Mengembangkan skema dimana para tamu secara sukarela terlibat dalam kegiatan konservasi dan pengelolaan kawasan ekowisata selama kunjungan.
5. Pengembangan dan penerapan rencana dan kerangka kerja pengelolaan lokasi ekowisata
- kegiatan ekowisata telah memperhitungkan tingkat pemanfaatan dan kualitas daya dukung lingkungan kawasan tujuan melalui pelaksanaan zonasi dan pengaturan waktu kunjungan
- fasilitas pendukung dibangun tidak merusak pada ekosistem yang unik dan rentan
- rancangan fasilitas umum sedapat mungkin mengacu sesuai tradisi lokal
- ada sistem pengelolaan sampah di sekitar fasilitas umum
- mengembangkan paket wisata yang mengedepankan budaya, seni dan trasdisi lokal
- kegiatan sehari-hari seperti panen, menanam , mencari ikan, berburu dapat dimasukan ke dalam atraksi lokal untuk memperkenalkan wisatawan pada cara hidup masyarakat dan mengajak mereka menghargai pengetahuan dan kearifan lokal
Pemasaran Produk ekowisata
Ada dua aspek yang sangat terkait dan perlu dibahas secara bersamaan jika ingin mengembangkan ekowisata berbasis masyarakat sebagai suatu usaha yang berhasil
Pertama, usaha harus layak secara ekonomi, menghasilkan pendapatan yang signifikan untuk masyarakat setempat dan dikelola secara profesional
Kedua, usaha tersebut perlu adil, bermanfaat buat masyarakat lokal sebagai mitra utama dan pendukung konservasi secara nyata
Dalam pengembangan pemasaran, strategi pencitraan (branding) dan promosi untuk suatu produk wisata sangat penting, melalui :
- mengikuti kegiatan promosi dan pemasaran berskala nasional dan internasional
- melakukan survei pasar secara berkala untuk mengetahui dinamika pasar
- mengidentifikasi target pasar untuk suatu produk ekowisata yang dikembangkan
- menyelenggarakan promosi secara khusus melalui fam trip, media dll
- membuka dan menjalin hubungan terbuka dengan pihak swasta dan mendorong adanya kesepakatan antara organisasi masyarakat dengan tour operator
atraksi wisata
- Petualangan rimba
- Petualangan sungai
- Budaya petungkriyono
- Pengamatan kehidupan liar
- Peninggalan arkeologi
- Stasiun penelitian hutan tropis
- Paket tracking
- rumah tinggal di semua desa dan kamar inap di tengah penduduk
Pengelola lokal
- panitia ekowisata di tingkat desa / kecamatan petungkriyono
- Buku Panduan travel
- Pameran tingkat nasional lewat dinas pariwisata
- Website lokal dan nasional
- tour operator di Pekalongan
Senin, 11 Juli 2011
Pemilihan Duta wisata Kabupaten Pekalongan 2011
Pemilihan duta wisata Kabupaten Pekalongan akan digelar dengan memperebutkan gelar bergengsi
tahapan Acara :
Pendaftaran 4 - 25 Juli 2011
Technical meeting 26 Juli 2011
Audisi 27 Juli
karantina 28 - 29 Juli
Grand Final 29 Juli 2011
Persyaratan :
Warga negara Indonesia berdomisili di Pekalongan
Tinggi Badan minimal
Putra 165 cm
Putri 160 cm
Pendaftaran langsung ke Dinas Pemuda Olahraga Pariwisata dan Kebudayaan Kabupaten Pekalongan
Jl. Teuku Umar Rusydi Kajen
(0285) 381783
contack person
Zizi : 08996521703
Sabtu, 09 Juli 2011
Introduction to Agri-Tourism
In general, agri-tourism is the practice of attracting travelers or visitors to an area or areas used primarily for agricultural purposes. Very often, the idea of tourism stimulates images of mass-produced travel that attracts a large number of travelers. These images may discourage small business owners from considering tourism as an option for enhancing their agriculture revenues. However, agri-tourism can be viewed much like eco-tourism in that it is small-scale, low-impact, and, in most cases, education-focused.
Examples of agri-tourism activities
Overnight stays: Lodging and camping
• bed and breakfast
• camp sites
• youth camp
• farm vacation (farm stays, feeding animals, picking fruit/vegetables)
• rental cabin for day trips/picnics
• weddings, receptions, honeymoons
Special events and festivals
• music festivals
• haunted house, haunted hay ride
• holiday celebrations
• harvest festivals
Off the farm
• Farmers' markets
• Vendor at state and county fairs
• Roadside produce stands
Recreation activities and events
• fee fishing
• skeet shooting
• canoe livery
• biking
• corn maze
• horseback riding
• 3-D archery course fee hunting
• bird watching
• hiking
• hang gliding
• hot air balloon rides
• rock climbing/rappelling
• cross country skiing
Fresh products and value-added products:
Tourism-enhanced direct marketing
• pick your own fruit/vegetables
• sell canned foods on farm: apple butter, relishes, wine, honey, jams and jellies
• sell herbal/organic products: candles, salves, tinctures, potpourri, wool, handmade sweaters
Youth and/or adult education
• organized tours: school groups, senior groups, church groups, tour groups
• agricultural education programs: how to grow apples, how to care for cattle
• nature education programs: wildlife, trees
• demonstrations: goat cheese making, wine making, honey making, apple butter making, heritage crafts
Where does tourism fit into my farm plan?
Supplementary, complementary, and primary enterprises
Tourism can be:
A supplementary enterprise.
As a supplementary enterprise, agri-tourism could be a minor activity that would support the other products on your farm. For instance, if your primary enterprise is livestock production, you may decide to invite school groups to your farm several days a month to learn about your animals and your occupation. Occasionally hosting guests on your farm would make agri-tourism a supplementary enterprise to your primary enterprise as long as the agri-tourism activities were a minor part of your farm product mix.
A complementary enterprise.
As a complementary enterprise, agri-tourism activities would share equal footing with other enterprises in your farm product mix. For example, you may have an apple production enterprise on your farm. If you were to sell half of your apples to a wholesaler and the remainder to "pick-your-own" guests on your farm, then the two enterprises (the wholesale market and the direct market) would be complementary enterprises.
The primary enterprise.
As the primary enterprise, agri-tourism would be the dominant activity on your farm. For instance, you may decide to open a winery on your farm and invite guests to spend the day or the weekend tasting wine. As part of the wine tasting package, you may include overnight lodging in a cottage on your property. You may produce grapes for the wine on your farm to supplement your wine tasting activities. However, because agri-tourism is the main part of your farm product mix, it becomes your primary enterprise.
It is important for you, as a farmer, to realize that agri-tourism has the potential to become whatever you want it to be on your farm. Whether you use agri-tourism as a supplementary, complementary, or primary enterprise, you must be ready to think creatively and plan effectively in order for your new enterprise to be successful.
Highlight: Johnson's Orchards and Peaks of Otter Wineries
Johnson's Orchards in Bedford, Virginia, is a good example of a farm whose tourism activities complement its agricultural activities. When a harsh winter threatened the farm's apple production in the early 1980s, the Johnsons opened their farm to school groups and other guests for pick-your-own apple activities. Seeing additional potential for inviting tourists to their farm, the family refurbished and opened the original farmhouse for overnight guests. Now, a combination of direct marketing (pick-your-own), lodging, and a new winery supplement the original major enterprise of apple production.
Highlight: Shenandoah Acres Resort
Shenandoah Acres Resort in Stuarts Draft, Virginia, is a good example of a farm whose primary enterprise is tourism. Nestled in the Shenandoah Valley, the 300-acre property originally hosted orchards, cranberry bogs, and a small pond. In the 1930s, Dr. William Dodge charged visitors ten cents per day to swim and picnic on his property. In 1935, the Blacka family purchased the farm and transformed it into "America's Finest Inland Beach." Today, the resort features 250 camp sites, 35 rental units, a sand-bottom swimming lake, horseback riding, miniature golf, and tennis.
How do I do it?
After reading the first few sections of this handbook, you may think that agri-tourism seems like a viable alternative agricultural product. In fact, you may be asking yourself, "How can I make agri-tourism work on my farm?" This section is designed to help you answer that question. Since everyone is not suited for carrying out agri-tourism activities on their farms, you first will need to determine whether or not agri-tourism is an appropriate option for you. Once you have decided that you are ready to try agri-tourism, you will need to set goals, assess your resources, and develop a business plan. This section walks you through the decision-making process, using Chuck and Ann Farmer's small, fictional dairy farm as an illustration.
The illustrations will highlight the following five steps of business planning:
1. Personal assessment
2. Business goals and objectives
3. External resources
4. Internal resource assessment
5. Business plan
Personal assessment
There are many reasons to consider adding tourism activities to your list of farm products and services. Prior to investing in agri-tourism, you must carefully analyze your potential as a host and your resources available for investment in an agri-tourism venture. Proper planning and analysis will substantially increase your chances at success. If you have ever had a good experience on a vacation or while visiting someone else's farm, you may have an idea of what it takes to provide a good guest experience. It is essential for you to evaluate yourself and your family to ensure that you have the ability to be a gracious, thoughtful host to guests. In order to assist you in making this decision, you should ask yourself the following questions:
• Does my family like meeting all types of people?
• Do I like to entertain strangers?
• Do I mind giving up some of my privacy at home?
• Can I always be cheerful and helpful around my guests?
• Are my farm and guest facilities always neat and clean (or can I ensure that they will be)?
• Am I successful at managing and organizing my home and farm expenses?
If you answered "yes" to all of these questions, then you might have what it takes to operate a successful agri-tourism business. If you were not able to answer "yes" to all of the questions, you may not be a good candidate for an agri-tourism business.
Before embarking on an agri-tourism venture, you will want to weigh the costs and benefits of such an investment. Below is a list of potential advantages and disadvantages to hosting tourists on your farm. Consider this list and add any items that you believe may apply.
Possible advantages
• Diversify and bolster income sources
• Share challenges and satisfactions of your lifestyle with others
• Develop interpersonal and communication skills
• Agri-tourism activities may take place on a small scale
• Recreation guests represent a high-value, low-volume market
• Relatively inexpensive
Possible disadvantages
• May require additional money and time
• Planning can be tedious and frustrating
• May impact some family members negatively
• Additional risks involved in allowing visitors on your property
• Additional guest facilities may require additional time and money
• Adding products and services is a long-term process
Table 1: Business Plan
A. Description of your business
Description of step
Write down what kind of farm you have currently and what you want your farm to become in the future. Example
"Our business is a dairy farm. It will become a farm where visitors can learn where their milk comes from: how it is produced, processed, and distributed." Necessary actions
• Short educational pamphlet about the animals and operations on the farm
• Tour "script" for tour guide to perform
• Design safety features for guest areas
B. Internal resources (products and services)
Description of step
List your internal resources and describe why they are unique and marketable. Describe how they can add value to your farm. Example
"This dairy farm produces milk from 100 cows. The cow barn, milking parlor, feed silos, and sludge pond are marketable components of a guided tour. Visitors will pay to learn how milk gets from farms to the grocery store. The farm will benefit from additional revenues and from increased public exposure." Necessary actions
• Design and construct area to showcase products
• Transform shelter into a gathering place where visitors will rest and eat
• Provide access to restrooms
• Provide parking access
• Provide access for disabled persons
C. Market analysis
Description of step
• Write down the following information about your guests:
• Who do you want to attract to your farm?
• Where do these people come from?
• What do our guests need?
• How can you attract these people to your farm? Example
"We wish to invite groups of people to our farm to learn about milk production. Those groups include school groups, 4-H groups, senior organizations, community organizations/clubs (Kiwanis, Ruritans, Lions, Business Associations, etc.). These groups are located in our community. Each group has special needs. For instance, school groups' programs must address Virginia's Standards of Learning. We can attract these guests to our farm by developing programs tailored to their needs." Necessary actions
• To attract school groups we must:
• Talk to local teachers and distribute information about my farm
• Build safety barriers and display safety signs in the guest areas
• Design a tour script that addresses the state's Standards of Learning
• Display visual materials at a height where children can see them
D. Competition
Description of step
Other farmers in your area may already be involved in agri-tourism. Describe their activities. You may want/need to position yourself in a different niche or develop a complementary activity. Example
"Joe in the next county offers tours of his apple packing plant. He attracts local school groups and out-of-town tour groups." Necessary actions
• Develop a tour script slightly different from Joe's
• Work with Joe to develop tours that complement each other, so that guests can learn different things at each farm
• Develop a weekend package with Joe so that group tours can visit both farms and stay overnight in local lodging
E. Product development plan
Description of step
Outline a yearly schedule of your farm production activities along with a schedule of your agri-tourism activities. Include a schedule of other activities in your area. Example
"Our friend Lucy uses a Microsoft calendar to print a monthly schedule of her major activities: Christmas tree sales at the market in November; Valentine decoration sales at the farmers' market in February; Easter egg sales at the town fair in March and April. Also, she has scheduled the opening of her bed and breakfast for April First.
"We will use a computer spreadsheet program to create a calendar of events for our farm, including each group tour and each special activity." Necessary actions
• Create calendar of events for farm
• Advertise special activities
• Develop special celebrations
• Create space for crafters, food providers, or other merchants to sell their products
F. Marketing plan
Description of step
Articulate your pricing strategy and the tools you will use to attract your guests.
(Please note: an entire section of this handbook is dedicated to marketing strategies to help you in this area.) Example
"We will charge groups $3.00 per adult and $1.50 per child to experience a guided tour of our facilities. We will rely on "word-of-mouth" advertising, flyers and brochures, and a web site to promote our tours." Necessary actions
• Go through entire marketing plan process
G. Sales plan
Description of step
Set sales objectives (e.g., to reach a certain monthly sales target) and describe how you will reach these objectives. Example
"We wish to host at least 30 groups per year on our farm tours. To reach this objective, our family will advertise our tours to local groups." Necessary actions
• Develop and send flyers to local groups
• Visit local groups and schools
• Develop calendar of sales activities with specific tasks for each person (each family member) involved in sales.
H. Operation plan
Description of step
Organize the flow of work through your business, identifying the tasks involved in providing your new activities and the additional labor needed. Example
• Greet tour group at edge of parking lot: Ann
• Lead tour group to pasture: Ann
• Lead tour group through tour: Chuck
• Arrange refreshments for tour group: John and Dan
• Clean restrooms: Chuck and Ann Necessary actions
• Break down activities into individual tasks.
• Assign an employee(s) to each task.
I. Revenues/ Expenses projections
Description of step
Build a cash flow projection. Estimate how many dollars will come into and how many dollars will go out of your new enterprise each year. Example
Revenues: We assume that customers will be willing to spend $3.00 per adult and $1.50 per child to tour our dairy facilities. We plan to host 20 school groups per year, averaging 60 children and 5 adults per group. In addition, we plan to host 10 community groups per year, averaging 25 adults per group.
20 groups*($1.50*60+$3.00*5)=$2100 10 groups*($3.00*25)=$750 Total revenue: $2100+$750=$2850
Expenses: we assume that it will cost, on average, approximately $0.50 per guest to provide the necessary services for the guided tour. These expenses will include labor to clean restrooms, provide refreshments, and guide the tour.
Total number of guests per year: 1550
Total cost: 1550 x $0.50 = $775
Profit: $2850 - $775 = $2075 Necessary actions
• Break down each activity into revenue-generating and expense-generating items
• Estimate the yearly dollar amount of each revenue and expense item
• Compile revenues and expenses into a cash flow worksheet
Marketing Your Agri-tourism Services
Characteristics of services
Many farmers understand and practice effective product marketing principles. If you are not familiar with how to market your farm products, or if you wish to refresh your product marketing knowledge, we suggest you contact your local Virginia Cooperative Extension office. Marketing agri-tourism services is similar to marketing farm products. However, there are several characteristics of services that make them different from products. Before attempting to market your new tourism services, you will want to understand how services differ from products.
• Unlike physical products, services cannot be seen, tested, felt, heard, or smelled before or after they are purchased; they are intangible. It is easy for a pick-your-own customer to examine the quality of the pumpkins on your farm before he purchases any of them because he is able to see, touch, and smell the produce. However, it would be hard for him to describe the transaction that occurs between him and the service provider who sells the produce to him.
• Whereas most goods are produced first, then sold and consumed later, services are produced and consumed at the same time. A farm tour is "produced" by the tour guide while it is being "consumed" by the visitor.
• Because services are like performances, frequently accomplished by humans, no two services will be exactly alike. The quality of the service exchange depends not only on the service provider's abilities, but also on the customer's mood and situational factors (like other customers' behaviors). Since many variables affect the service transaction, dynamics may change from interaction to interaction.
• Services cannot be saved, stored, resold, or returned. A farm tour, for instance, cannot be produced ahead of time, boxed and stored in a warehouse, and sold for consumption at a later date. If a bed and breakfast operator does not sell all rooms on a particular night he or she cannot put the empty rooms in inventory and sell them the next night. The perishability of services makes the management of demand and supply necessary, but difficult.
Your marketing mix
One of the most basic concepts included in your marketing plan is your marketing mix, which consists of the elements you control and use to communicate with and satisfy your customers. Your agri-tourism marketing mix will consist of the following elements (also known as the "Seven P's"):
1. Place ( How can you take advantage of your location?)
2. Product (What do you have to offer your guests?)
3. Price (How much should you charge for your agri-tourism services and activities?)
4. Promotion (How do you advertise your agri-tourism business?)
5. People (Who are the tourists?)
6. Physical evidence (What are the tangible components of service?)
7. Process (How do you provide excellent customer service?)
PLACE: How can you take advantage of your location?
Your farm may be located near a major highway or at the end of a remote country road. Wherever it is situated, you can take advantage of the location. For instance, if your farm is positioned near a major highway, you can capitalize on the number of motorists traveling by your site. On the other hand, if your farm rests in a remote location, you may draw guests with the natural or serene qualities of your "getaway" destination. Brainstorm ways in which your agri-tourism farm can benefit from its location in relation to roads, natural resources, and community resources, then work those benefits into your overall marketing plan.
PRODUCT: What do you have to offer your guests?
As an agri-tourism operator you are going to offer your guests more than a product. You are going to add value to the products or services that guests might buy at your farm. Customers will experience unique activities that will enrich their visit in your area. While you may not consider a farm experience as unique, many tourists will enjoy the opportunity to come closer to their agricultural heritage. For many people, a visit to your farm is a rare opportunity to touch Mother Nature and discover how agricultural products are raised, harvested, and distributed. As a host, you will provide for your guests a wonderful knowledge and insight into the life of a farmer. Keep in mind that activities that may seem ordinary to you may be extraordinary for a guest. For example, petting your cow or horse, which may be a normal activity for you, may be the highlight of your guests' day.
To remind yourself about the products and services that you could offer your guests, refer back to the section of this handbook titled How Do I Do It?: Internal Resource Assessment. This exercise will help you identify both the ordinary and the unique agri-tourism activities that you can offer on your farm.
PRICE: How much should you charge for your agri-tourism services and activities?
The most basic way to price your services is to use cost-based pricing. With this approach you determine your direct costs and your overhead costs of providing the service. Your price will be an amount that covers your costs and your desired profit margin. The formula is:
Price = Direct costs + Overhead costs + Profit margin
PROMOTION: How do you advertise your agri-tourism enterprise?
Promotion is the core of any marketing strategy. Through promotional efforts, you are able to inform customers of your products and services and let them know how your products and services meet their needs. The goal of promotion and advertising is simple: to reach the largest number of people in your business's target market for your dollar. Since most agri-tourism businesses have small marketing budgets, this section will focus on the least expensive ways to promote and advertise your agri-tourism enterprise.
Word-of-mouth advertising
Word-of-mouth advertising is the least expensive and, perhaps, the most effective form of promotion. Estimates suggest that a satisfied customer will "advertise" your services by telling nine to twelve other people about his or her experience. This is a wonderful reward for providing quality service. On the other hand, word-of-mouth communication can work against your business if you are not providing quality service. In order to foster positive word-of-mouth advertising, you should strive to provide good service all of the time.
Printed materials
Printed materials provide tangible evidence of the products and services your agri-tourism business provides. Since these printed materials are important to your business image, you will want to invest some time and money in the quality of the materials. Print materials such as stationery, business cards, brochures, and reservation forms should display a consistent, appropriate business logo.
Advertising through print, audio, or video media may seem intimidating at first. If you are considering broadcasting your message through any of these media, you may want to consult a reputable advertising agency. In addition, you may contact publications, television stations, and radio stations to obtain free profiles of their subscribers. These profiles can help you decide which channel(s) will reach your target markets the most effectively and efficiently.
Direct Mail
Direct mail offers an effective way of communicating your message. If you are already a member of an organization, you may be able to send your first message to the organization's mailing list.
Community network
It is possible for you to work with local schools and other community groups to promote your agri-tourism programs and distribute your pamphlets. These groups also can provide you with information about other organizations in Virginia that might be interested in your activities and services. Other groups in your area that might be interested in your services include senior centers, scout groups, and
4-H clubs.
World Wide Web page
As more and more people use the Internet as a daily communication tool, an Internet web site is one of the most important advertising resources in which you could invest. With the click of a mouse, any Internet user can access information about your agri-tourism business instantly. In addition, there are many travel-related web sites to which you can link your site in order to spread your message. Sometimes, these links are low-cost or free.
PEOPLE: Who are the tourists?
The foundation of your agri-tourism marketing plan should include a description of the people that you wish to attract to your farm. If your agri-tourism enterprise is extremely small, you may want to treat your customers as individuals and develop individual marketing plans for each customer. At the other extreme, if your agri-tourism business is very large, you may want to focus on group needs or general preferences with a touch of personality. Chances are your agri-tourism enterprise falls somewhere between the two extremes; in this case, you will choose a marketing strategy that allows you to offer different services to different groups of customers. To do this, you will need to target the appropriate market segments. You can segment your market in various ways.
Segmentation considerations2 include:
• Geographic considerations: Where are the customers from?
• Age, gender, and other considerations (demographics): Who are they?
• Social considerations: What are they like?
• Behavioral considerations: What do they want?
• Customization: How can I treat each person as an individual?
Geographic considerations
Geographic considerations involve dividing the market into different geographic units. This organization scheme may occur at any level, from nations to states to counties. The following table describes four different geographic units and highlights sources of tourists at each level.
Local tourists generally live within a short car trip away from the tourism destination. The county where the farm is located might be the primary level of tourism attraction, including all the adjacent counties in the target market area. This is an easy market to reach through local media and public services such as Convention and Visitor Bureaus and Tourist Information Centers.
Sources of clientele at the local level might include:
• Elementary schools
• Middle and high schools
• Associations of retired persons
• Veterans associations
• Church groups
• Civic or ethnic organizations
The Commonwealth of Virginia and adjacent states (West Virginia, Tennessee, Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina, Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania, New York, and New Jersey) represent the regional tourism market. Visitors from these areas are likely to travel by car, but may also use bus or train travel to get to their destinations. At this level, the primary targets should be states with high concentrations of people in cities.
Sources of clientele at the regional level might include:
• Senior citizens (AARP) or other large organizations
• Travel agencies and tour operators that specialize in packaged group tours
• Bus & tour companies
National tourism markets include all of the United States (and perhaps Canada and Mexico, due to their easy access). Similar to regional markets, the primary targets should be metropolitan areas. Because travelers from afar might want to experience activities in addition to the farm stay, it is important to develop packages that include visits to the beach or mountains, museum tours, festivals, or other local or regional attractions. An efficient way for a farm to attract tourists at this level is to work with bus tour operators and other large associations like AAA or AARP. Most of the time local chapters can get you in touch with the national organizations.
Sources for generating clientele at the national level might include:
• Local Convention and Visitor Bureau (CVB). This organization can help market your farm as an attraction within your regional destination area.
• Virginia Cooperative Extension. This service can provide valuable information about marketing and can help you become part of a tourism distribution network.
Because international tourists may have vacation periods that do not coincide with traditional American vacation periods, the international market segment may provide a source of tourism revenue during traditionally low seasons. In addition to posting your own Internet web site to attract international visitors, it is important to be connected to the CVB or other major tourism web sites in your area. The best way to target visitors at the international level is to be part of a package tour and work with:
• CVB's and other government agencies that are able to identify major players in the international market, where packaging is very important
• Tour operators
Age, gender, and other considerations (demographics)
These considerations entail dividing the market based on characteristics such as age, gender, family size, income, occupation, education, or religion.
• Baby Boomers and Echo Boomers: Acknowledged as a driver in many segments of our national economy, the move of the "baby boomer" population into middle age is expected to influence the face of the tourism industry. Folks in this generation tend to lead healthy, active lives, and as retirees they will demand access to activities, facilities, and events that today's retirement community can barely imagine. In addition, they will require quality recreation experiences and opportunities to spend time with their families. Their children, known as "echo boomers," also will have an impact on the way people do business. As consumers, echo boomers are much more sophisticated than their parents were when they were young. Since they are learning to invest their money early in life, they are wealthier than their parents were. Today's younger generations are extremely knowledgeable about technology. They use the Internet on a daily basis. In order to capture this generation of young tourists, anyone involved in agri-tourism activities must advertise on the Internet.
• Senior citizens: Like the Baby Boom generation, senior groups are growing larger. Their demand for recreational activities is increasing, as well. Many senior organizations are looking for recreational activities that provide educational and social opportunities.
• Single-parent families: Many single-parent families seek recreational and educational opportunities to maximize quality time with their children.
• School groups: Farms provide excellent opportunities for preschools, elementary schools, 4-H Clubs, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, and other groups to learn about nature and agricultural processes.
Social considerations
Social considerations involve dividing the market into consumer groups that share social class, life style, or personality characteristics. For instance, you may want to target middle class families with busy lifestyles who enjoy adventurous outdoor experiences. Or, you might target upper class retirees who like tasting wine and prefer relaxing vacations.
It is important to describe your product and service in terms of the benefits it offers to your guests. For example, you may promote your petting zoo by highlighting the fact that close encounters with farm animals provide a unique, beneficial learning experience for children. Similarly, you may promote your bed and breakfast for the relaxing, indulgent benefits it offers to busy, working couples.
Behavioral considerations
Behavioral considerations involve dividing tourists into groups based on knowledge, attitude, uses, or responses to your agri-tourism services. For example, for your overnight farm experiences, you may target inner-city school groups who know very little about nature and agriculture. This group's knowledge (or lack thereof) of farm practices would influence you to consider them for a learning experience. By the same token, for your fee-based hunting club, you may target a small group of experienced, local hunters whose recreation demands complement your wildlife management needs.
Today's marketers are realizing the importance of customizing services to fit each individual's needs. Because service transactions vary widely, it is easy for service providers to customize each service interaction and each marketing message. For customized marketing to be successful, service providers must be adaptable, flexible, and responsive. Imagine that you operate a bed and breakfast and one of your guests mentions that he is on a low-cholesterol diet. In order to customize his breakfast experience, you whip up some oatmeal and orange juice for him instead of serving bacon and whole milk. To really customize his experience with you, keep a record of his dietary needs and offer a menu of his favorite low-cholesterol breakfast foods at his next visit.
PHYSICAL EVIDENCE: What are the tangible components of service?
The area in which you interact with the customer and any tangible items that facilitate the service interaction are the physical evidence of your agri-tourism services. For instance, you may interact with your customers in a field, in a store, at the farmers' market, in a parking area, or in your home. The condition of these physical facilities will cause your guests to form an impression of your agri-tourism business. For instance, if a guest at your petting zoo notices that the barns are rickety and in need of repair, he or she may conclude that your zoo is unsafe. However, if you keep your fencerows neat, your animals groomed and clean, and your buildings in good repair, he or she may assume that you are operating a high-quality petting zoo.
Physical evidence extends beyond your facilities to the clothes that you wear and the brochures you distribute. Basically, physical evidence is anything the customer can see or touch. So, even if your buildings are in good condition, your business may still make a bad impression on your customer if your employees' clothes are dirty and their hair is unkempt. Therefore, you must always be aware of your appearance and your employees' appearance. Similarly, you must always pay attention to detail when providing any sort of printed materials for your guests to read. While a typographical error on a promotional brochure may not seem like a big deal, the customer who notices the error may wrongly conclude that you are unintelligent or sloppy. By providing attractive brochures that employ correct spelling and grammar, you can go a long way toward producing a positive image of your business.
Some other things to remember when thinking about physical evidence are:
• When a tourist travels, one of the first things he or she notices is the cleanliness of the facilities. Guests expect the grounds to be free of litter and the kitchen sink to be spotless. When planning your agri-tourism activities, you will need to pay close attention to the support processes that you use to keep the facilities clean and attractive. This may require removing litter regularly, hiring housekeepers to clean guest buildings, or rearranging garbage disposal areas. In considering the cleanliness of your facilities, you also will need to develop a regular maintenance schedule to ensure that the facilities remain in good working condition.
You will need to provide restrooms for guests who spend more than just a few minutes on your farm. The restrooms must remain clean as well as pass stringent health code standards.
• Most of your guests will want easy access to your farm's facilities. To provide access, you will need to locate a parking lot conveniently near your main guest area. In addition, you will want to consider accessibility for people with disabilities. The Americans with Disabilities Act establishes clear standards by which public spaces should be designed and maintained.
• Consider the safety and security of your guests when designing your guest facilities. A guest who feels safe at your farm will feel more comfortable and have a more enjoyable time than a guest who does not feel safe. For more comments on safety and security, please refer to the Risk Management section of this handbook.
PROCESS: How do I provide excellent customer service?
Customer service
Customer service includes giving customers what they want and fulfilling their multitude of less obvious needs. Before you begin to learn about customer service, however, it is important for you to remember that you will not be able to deliver perfect customer service all of the time. You will make some mistakes along the way. That is okay. If you put forth your best effort and learn from your mistakes, you will be on your way to providing excellent guest services. You will find many good sources at your local Virginia Cooperative Extension office or most major bookstores.
Customer-friendly attitude
Good customer service begins with a customer-friendly attitude. A customer-friendly attitude begins with the view that the customer is your job, not an interruption of your job. As a manager, you will need to reflect a customer-friendly attitude in your words and in your actions. You can begin by displaying a sincere smile and offering a kind greeting to all guests and co-workers. This will set a good example for your employees.
Service quality
Customer service experts suggest that there are five main dimensions that influence customers' perceptions of service quality. Those five dimensions are reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and tangibles3. A brief description of each dimension follows:
• Reliability is your ability to perform the promised service dependably and accurately. For instance, if you operate a bed and breakfast on your farm, you may promise guests that breakfast will be served at 8:00 a.m. each morning. You are providing reliable service if, in fact, you do serve breakfast every morning before or by 8:00 a.m. If you serve breakfast at 8:30 one morning and at 9:00 another morning, your service is unreliable.
• Responsiveness is your willingness to help customers and provide prompt service. For example, if your agri-tourism business relies on e-mail to interact with customers, then you would be providing responsive service if you return e-mail requests promptly. If you respond to e-mail requests only once a month, then you are not responsive to your customers.
• Assurance refers to your employees' courtesy, knowledge of the business, and ability to inspire trust and confidence in customers. For example, if you host school group tours on your farm, you probably receive a lot of questions from the children. If you answered, "I don't know," to every question, you would not inspire trust in your knowledge from the children or teachers. However, if you respond to each question with an appropriate answer, you are assuring the children and the teachers that you are knowledgeable about your farm.
• Empathy refers to the caring, individualized attention that you give to each customer. In a service business, each customer wants to feel like you genuinely care about his or her needs. For instance, if a customer at your pick-your-own pumpkin business is thirsty, you would be showing more empathy if you escorted the customer to the facility personally than if you simply grunted out directions. In addition, you might want to show empathy by providing water bottles near the picking site.
• Tangibles are the physical facilities, equipment, personnel, and written materials that your customers see. It is important that all tangible items appear neat, clean, and professional. For example, if you develop a brochure for your agri-tourism enterprise, you will want to make sure that everything on the flyer is spelled correctly and that the images and words reflect the true nature of your business. In addition, you will want all of your customer-service employees to wear clean, neat clothes and maintain a groomed appearance.
As you become more conscious of the customer service that you and your employees provide, you will begin to pay more and more attention to feedback from your customers. It is important that you use all comments (both positive and negative) to improve the quality of your service delivery.
Market positioning
The next step in the marketing plan is positioning your agri-tourism enterprise in relation to other agri-tourism businesses. Positioning helps potential customers know the real differences among competing destinations, so that they can match themselves to the destinations that fit their needs best. You may position your services based on price (high price versus low price), location (easily accessible versus remote), number of visitors (many versus few), and many other factors.
When considering your market position, you should do a "SWOT" analysis to determine the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of your agri-tourism business.. The following table is an example of an imaginary farm's SWOT analysis.
After determining the characteristics of the components in your marketing mix (The Seven Ps: Place, Product, Price, Promotion, People, Physical evidence, and Process) and deciding your market position, you will want to align your marketing strategy. In other words, you will need to select the best way (promotion strategy) to reach your target customers (people strategy) in order to maximize your economic returns. You will want to put your time, effort, and money into the marketing strategy that you believe is the best strategy.
Table 2: SWOT analysis
Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
My farm is close to historic site I have a very small marketing budget Attraction of tourists from the historic site Other farms also close to the historic site
My family is friendly and loves meeting new people I don't know how to operate a bed and breakfast Old farmhouse could be used for bed and breakfast Strict health code regulations
Managing and maintaining sheep herds I do not own any animals besides sheep Open a petting zoo on my property Additional animals will cost more money
Table 3: Expanded Marketing Mix for Services4
Good physical features like potatoes, corn, milk and other similar products
Quality level
Product lines
Branding People
Family members
Communication culture and values
Employee research
Location of the farm
Outlet location
Intermediaries Physical evidence
Layout of the farm
• Cleanliness of the overall farm
• Aesthetics
• Functionality
• Ambient conditions
• Equipment
Signage Employee dress Other tangibles
• Reports
• Business cards
• Statements
• Guarantees
Promotion blend
Sales promotion
Price level
Allowances Process
Flow of activities from the arrival to the departure of a customer
• Standardized
• Customized
Number of steps in the process
• Simple
• Complex
Level of customer involvement
• You pick up
• Wine tasting
Tourism Distribution Network
A tourism distribution network is similar to the agricultural product distribution network. The agricultural product distribution network includes farmers, brokers, shippers, retailers, and customers. Similarly, the tourism distribution network includes tourism suppliers (in this case Ç farmers), wholesalers, travel agencies (who act as retailers), and customers. In both the agricultural product and the tourism distribution network, direct marketing by the supplier/farmer to the customer/consumer is the most efficient and effective way of distribution. The following sections describe the components of the tourism distribution network, highlighting direct marketing as a distribution tool.
Supply and demand
Because the relationship between your supply of agri-tourism activities and the customers' demand is important, you should continuously evaluate that relationship. You might find at the beginning of your agri-tourism project that your supply outweighs the demand (in other words, you do not have enough customers). However, with a good marketing plan, you will be able to attract more customers to your farm. The most efficient and effective way of communicating with your customers is through direct marketing.
Direct marketing
The most valuable relationships that you will create are the relationships between you and your customers, particularly in a small agri-tourism enterprise. Many of the farmer-customer relationships in agri-tourism rely on personal contact; the direct marketing relationship nurtures that necessary personal touch. Direct marketing is a way for you to reach your target customers personally, without using a "middleman." By reaching your customer directly, you do not have to pay a commission to an intermediary: you are doing the job yourself. With simple, inexpensive tools like flyers, brochures, and an Internet website, you can meet and greet potential customers with your own personal touch.
Many other agricultural practices use direct marketing. Some examples include:
• Pick Your Own Produce. Consumers come directly to the farm and harvest the produce themselves instead of buying the produce at a supermarket.
• Rent-a-Tree. A family or an individual may rent a tree, a row of strawberries, a row of tomatoes, or any other kind of produce that grows on the farm. They come directly to the farm to tend the plants.
• Roadside stands. From seasonal wooden stalls to year-round rural attractions, roadside stands offer products that go straight from the farm to the customer.
• Farmers' markets. Produce and agri-tourism services can be displayed at the farmers' market. Many farmers already know how to display their products at a farmers' market. Why not advertise or offer something new, like agri-tourism services, and attract new customers?
Familiarization tour
The familiarization tour (also known as "fam" tour in tourism industry lingo) is a tool you can use to market your agri-tourism enterprise directly to consumers. As its name suggests, the familiarization tour familiarizes potential customers to your services. In a fam tour you invite potential customers to your farm to view your facilities and learn about what you have to offer. If, for example, you wanted to organize a school group fam tour, you would consider the following steps:
1. Identify schools in your area that you would like to invite to your farm
2. Contact the local school board and inform them of your services (any school board in the Commonwealth of Virginia will be interested in how your agri-tourism activities apply to Virginia's Standards of Learning)
3. Invite teachers and administrators to your farm and show them how your services can benefit them and their students
4. On the day of the fam tour (as on any day), prepare your facilities as if these guests were the most important people in the world. Treat them as you would any VIP: "Very Important Person."
In general, agri-tourism is the practice of attracting travelers or visitors to an area or areas used primarily for agricultural purposes. Very often, the idea of tourism stimulates images of mass-produced travel that attracts a large number of travelers. These images may discourage small business owners from considering tourism as an option for enhancing their agriculture revenues. However, agri-tourism can be viewed much like eco-tourism in that it is small-scale, low-impact, and, in most cases, education-focused.
Examples of agri-tourism activities
Overnight stays: Lodging and camping
• bed and breakfast
• camp sites
• youth camp
• farm vacation (farm stays, feeding animals, picking fruit/vegetables)
• rental cabin for day trips/picnics
• weddings, receptions, honeymoons
Special events and festivals
• music festivals
• haunted house, haunted hay ride
• holiday celebrations
• harvest festivals
Off the farm
• Farmers' markets
• Vendor at state and county fairs
• Roadside produce stands
Recreation activities and events
• fee fishing
• skeet shooting
• canoe livery
• biking
• corn maze
• horseback riding
• 3-D archery course fee hunting
• bird watching
• hiking
• hang gliding
• hot air balloon rides
• rock climbing/rappelling
• cross country skiing
Fresh products and value-added products:
Tourism-enhanced direct marketing
• pick your own fruit/vegetables
• sell canned foods on farm: apple butter, relishes, wine, honey, jams and jellies
• sell herbal/organic products: candles, salves, tinctures, potpourri, wool, handmade sweaters
Youth and/or adult education
• organized tours: school groups, senior groups, church groups, tour groups
• agricultural education programs: how to grow apples, how to care for cattle
• nature education programs: wildlife, trees
• demonstrations: goat cheese making, wine making, honey making, apple butter making, heritage crafts
Where does tourism fit into my farm plan?
Supplementary, complementary, and primary enterprises
Tourism can be:
A supplementary enterprise.
As a supplementary enterprise, agri-tourism could be a minor activity that would support the other products on your farm. For instance, if your primary enterprise is livestock production, you may decide to invite school groups to your farm several days a month to learn about your animals and your occupation. Occasionally hosting guests on your farm would make agri-tourism a supplementary enterprise to your primary enterprise as long as the agri-tourism activities were a minor part of your farm product mix.
A complementary enterprise.
As a complementary enterprise, agri-tourism activities would share equal footing with other enterprises in your farm product mix. For example, you may have an apple production enterprise on your farm. If you were to sell half of your apples to a wholesaler and the remainder to "pick-your-own" guests on your farm, then the two enterprises (the wholesale market and the direct market) would be complementary enterprises.
The primary enterprise.
As the primary enterprise, agri-tourism would be the dominant activity on your farm. For instance, you may decide to open a winery on your farm and invite guests to spend the day or the weekend tasting wine. As part of the wine tasting package, you may include overnight lodging in a cottage on your property. You may produce grapes for the wine on your farm to supplement your wine tasting activities. However, because agri-tourism is the main part of your farm product mix, it becomes your primary enterprise.
It is important for you, as a farmer, to realize that agri-tourism has the potential to become whatever you want it to be on your farm. Whether you use agri-tourism as a supplementary, complementary, or primary enterprise, you must be ready to think creatively and plan effectively in order for your new enterprise to be successful.
Highlight: Johnson's Orchards and Peaks of Otter Wineries
Johnson's Orchards in Bedford, Virginia, is a good example of a farm whose tourism activities complement its agricultural activities. When a harsh winter threatened the farm's apple production in the early 1980s, the Johnsons opened their farm to school groups and other guests for pick-your-own apple activities. Seeing additional potential for inviting tourists to their farm, the family refurbished and opened the original farmhouse for overnight guests. Now, a combination of direct marketing (pick-your-own), lodging, and a new winery supplement the original major enterprise of apple production.
Highlight: Shenandoah Acres Resort
Shenandoah Acres Resort in Stuarts Draft, Virginia, is a good example of a farm whose primary enterprise is tourism. Nestled in the Shenandoah Valley, the 300-acre property originally hosted orchards, cranberry bogs, and a small pond. In the 1930s, Dr. William Dodge charged visitors ten cents per day to swim and picnic on his property. In 1935, the Blacka family purchased the farm and transformed it into "America's Finest Inland Beach." Today, the resort features 250 camp sites, 35 rental units, a sand-bottom swimming lake, horseback riding, miniature golf, and tennis.
How do I do it?
After reading the first few sections of this handbook, you may think that agri-tourism seems like a viable alternative agricultural product. In fact, you may be asking yourself, "How can I make agri-tourism work on my farm?" This section is designed to help you answer that question. Since everyone is not suited for carrying out agri-tourism activities on their farms, you first will need to determine whether or not agri-tourism is an appropriate option for you. Once you have decided that you are ready to try agri-tourism, you will need to set goals, assess your resources, and develop a business plan. This section walks you through the decision-making process, using Chuck and Ann Farmer's small, fictional dairy farm as an illustration.
The illustrations will highlight the following five steps of business planning:
1. Personal assessment
2. Business goals and objectives
3. External resources
4. Internal resource assessment
5. Business plan
Personal assessment
There are many reasons to consider adding tourism activities to your list of farm products and services. Prior to investing in agri-tourism, you must carefully analyze your potential as a host and your resources available for investment in an agri-tourism venture. Proper planning and analysis will substantially increase your chances at success. If you have ever had a good experience on a vacation or while visiting someone else's farm, you may have an idea of what it takes to provide a good guest experience. It is essential for you to evaluate yourself and your family to ensure that you have the ability to be a gracious, thoughtful host to guests. In order to assist you in making this decision, you should ask yourself the following questions:
• Does my family like meeting all types of people?
• Do I like to entertain strangers?
• Do I mind giving up some of my privacy at home?
• Can I always be cheerful and helpful around my guests?
• Are my farm and guest facilities always neat and clean (or can I ensure that they will be)?
• Am I successful at managing and organizing my home and farm expenses?
If you answered "yes" to all of these questions, then you might have what it takes to operate a successful agri-tourism business. If you were not able to answer "yes" to all of the questions, you may not be a good candidate for an agri-tourism business.
Before embarking on an agri-tourism venture, you will want to weigh the costs and benefits of such an investment. Below is a list of potential advantages and disadvantages to hosting tourists on your farm. Consider this list and add any items that you believe may apply.
Possible advantages
• Diversify and bolster income sources
• Share challenges and satisfactions of your lifestyle with others
• Develop interpersonal and communication skills
• Agri-tourism activities may take place on a small scale
• Recreation guests represent a high-value, low-volume market
• Relatively inexpensive
Possible disadvantages
• May require additional money and time
• Planning can be tedious and frustrating
• May impact some family members negatively
• Additional risks involved in allowing visitors on your property
• Additional guest facilities may require additional time and money
• Adding products and services is a long-term process
Table 1: Business Plan
A. Description of your business
Description of step
Write down what kind of farm you have currently and what you want your farm to become in the future. Example
"Our business is a dairy farm. It will become a farm where visitors can learn where their milk comes from: how it is produced, processed, and distributed." Necessary actions
• Short educational pamphlet about the animals and operations on the farm
• Tour "script" for tour guide to perform
• Design safety features for guest areas
B. Internal resources (products and services)
Description of step
List your internal resources and describe why they are unique and marketable. Describe how they can add value to your farm. Example
"This dairy farm produces milk from 100 cows. The cow barn, milking parlor, feed silos, and sludge pond are marketable components of a guided tour. Visitors will pay to learn how milk gets from farms to the grocery store. The farm will benefit from additional revenues and from increased public exposure." Necessary actions
• Design and construct area to showcase products
• Transform shelter into a gathering place where visitors will rest and eat
• Provide access to restrooms
• Provide parking access
• Provide access for disabled persons
C. Market analysis
Description of step
• Write down the following information about your guests:
• Who do you want to attract to your farm?
• Where do these people come from?
• What do our guests need?
• How can you attract these people to your farm? Example
"We wish to invite groups of people to our farm to learn about milk production. Those groups include school groups, 4-H groups, senior organizations, community organizations/clubs (Kiwanis, Ruritans, Lions, Business Associations, etc.). These groups are located in our community. Each group has special needs. For instance, school groups' programs must address Virginia's Standards of Learning. We can attract these guests to our farm by developing programs tailored to their needs." Necessary actions
• To attract school groups we must:
• Talk to local teachers and distribute information about my farm
• Build safety barriers and display safety signs in the guest areas
• Design a tour script that addresses the state's Standards of Learning
• Display visual materials at a height where children can see them
D. Competition
Description of step
Other farmers in your area may already be involved in agri-tourism. Describe their activities. You may want/need to position yourself in a different niche or develop a complementary activity. Example
"Joe in the next county offers tours of his apple packing plant. He attracts local school groups and out-of-town tour groups." Necessary actions
• Develop a tour script slightly different from Joe's
• Work with Joe to develop tours that complement each other, so that guests can learn different things at each farm
• Develop a weekend package with Joe so that group tours can visit both farms and stay overnight in local lodging
E. Product development plan
Description of step
Outline a yearly schedule of your farm production activities along with a schedule of your agri-tourism activities. Include a schedule of other activities in your area. Example
"Our friend Lucy uses a Microsoft calendar to print a monthly schedule of her major activities: Christmas tree sales at the market in November; Valentine decoration sales at the farmers' market in February; Easter egg sales at the town fair in March and April. Also, she has scheduled the opening of her bed and breakfast for April First.
"We will use a computer spreadsheet program to create a calendar of events for our farm, including each group tour and each special activity." Necessary actions
• Create calendar of events for farm
• Advertise special activities
• Develop special celebrations
• Create space for crafters, food providers, or other merchants to sell their products
F. Marketing plan
Description of step
Articulate your pricing strategy and the tools you will use to attract your guests.
(Please note: an entire section of this handbook is dedicated to marketing strategies to help you in this area.) Example
"We will charge groups $3.00 per adult and $1.50 per child to experience a guided tour of our facilities. We will rely on "word-of-mouth" advertising, flyers and brochures, and a web site to promote our tours." Necessary actions
• Go through entire marketing plan process
G. Sales plan
Description of step
Set sales objectives (e.g., to reach a certain monthly sales target) and describe how you will reach these objectives. Example
"We wish to host at least 30 groups per year on our farm tours. To reach this objective, our family will advertise our tours to local groups." Necessary actions
• Develop and send flyers to local groups
• Visit local groups and schools
• Develop calendar of sales activities with specific tasks for each person (each family member) involved in sales.
H. Operation plan
Description of step
Organize the flow of work through your business, identifying the tasks involved in providing your new activities and the additional labor needed. Example
• Greet tour group at edge of parking lot: Ann
• Lead tour group to pasture: Ann
• Lead tour group through tour: Chuck
• Arrange refreshments for tour group: John and Dan
• Clean restrooms: Chuck and Ann Necessary actions
• Break down activities into individual tasks.
• Assign an employee(s) to each task.
I. Revenues/ Expenses projections
Description of step
Build a cash flow projection. Estimate how many dollars will come into and how many dollars will go out of your new enterprise each year. Example
Revenues: We assume that customers will be willing to spend $3.00 per adult and $1.50 per child to tour our dairy facilities. We plan to host 20 school groups per year, averaging 60 children and 5 adults per group. In addition, we plan to host 10 community groups per year, averaging 25 adults per group.
20 groups*($1.50*60+$3.00*5)=$2100 10 groups*($3.00*25)=$750 Total revenue: $2100+$750=$2850
Expenses: we assume that it will cost, on average, approximately $0.50 per guest to provide the necessary services for the guided tour. These expenses will include labor to clean restrooms, provide refreshments, and guide the tour.
Total number of guests per year: 1550
Total cost: 1550 x $0.50 = $775
Profit: $2850 - $775 = $2075 Necessary actions
• Break down each activity into revenue-generating and expense-generating items
• Estimate the yearly dollar amount of each revenue and expense item
• Compile revenues and expenses into a cash flow worksheet
Marketing Your Agri-tourism Services
Characteristics of services
Many farmers understand and practice effective product marketing principles. If you are not familiar with how to market your farm products, or if you wish to refresh your product marketing knowledge, we suggest you contact your local Virginia Cooperative Extension office. Marketing agri-tourism services is similar to marketing farm products. However, there are several characteristics of services that make them different from products. Before attempting to market your new tourism services, you will want to understand how services differ from products.
• Unlike physical products, services cannot be seen, tested, felt, heard, or smelled before or after they are purchased; they are intangible. It is easy for a pick-your-own customer to examine the quality of the pumpkins on your farm before he purchases any of them because he is able to see, touch, and smell the produce. However, it would be hard for him to describe the transaction that occurs between him and the service provider who sells the produce to him.
• Whereas most goods are produced first, then sold and consumed later, services are produced and consumed at the same time. A farm tour is "produced" by the tour guide while it is being "consumed" by the visitor.
• Because services are like performances, frequently accomplished by humans, no two services will be exactly alike. The quality of the service exchange depends not only on the service provider's abilities, but also on the customer's mood and situational factors (like other customers' behaviors). Since many variables affect the service transaction, dynamics may change from interaction to interaction.
• Services cannot be saved, stored, resold, or returned. A farm tour, for instance, cannot be produced ahead of time, boxed and stored in a warehouse, and sold for consumption at a later date. If a bed and breakfast operator does not sell all rooms on a particular night he or she cannot put the empty rooms in inventory and sell them the next night. The perishability of services makes the management of demand and supply necessary, but difficult.
Your marketing mix
One of the most basic concepts included in your marketing plan is your marketing mix, which consists of the elements you control and use to communicate with and satisfy your customers. Your agri-tourism marketing mix will consist of the following elements (also known as the "Seven P's"):
1. Place ( How can you take advantage of your location?)
2. Product (What do you have to offer your guests?)
3. Price (How much should you charge for your agri-tourism services and activities?)
4. Promotion (How do you advertise your agri-tourism business?)
5. People (Who are the tourists?)
6. Physical evidence (What are the tangible components of service?)
7. Process (How do you provide excellent customer service?)
PLACE: How can you take advantage of your location?
Your farm may be located near a major highway or at the end of a remote country road. Wherever it is situated, you can take advantage of the location. For instance, if your farm is positioned near a major highway, you can capitalize on the number of motorists traveling by your site. On the other hand, if your farm rests in a remote location, you may draw guests with the natural or serene qualities of your "getaway" destination. Brainstorm ways in which your agri-tourism farm can benefit from its location in relation to roads, natural resources, and community resources, then work those benefits into your overall marketing plan.
PRODUCT: What do you have to offer your guests?
As an agri-tourism operator you are going to offer your guests more than a product. You are going to add value to the products or services that guests might buy at your farm. Customers will experience unique activities that will enrich their visit in your area. While you may not consider a farm experience as unique, many tourists will enjoy the opportunity to come closer to their agricultural heritage. For many people, a visit to your farm is a rare opportunity to touch Mother Nature and discover how agricultural products are raised, harvested, and distributed. As a host, you will provide for your guests a wonderful knowledge and insight into the life of a farmer. Keep in mind that activities that may seem ordinary to you may be extraordinary for a guest. For example, petting your cow or horse, which may be a normal activity for you, may be the highlight of your guests' day.
To remind yourself about the products and services that you could offer your guests, refer back to the section of this handbook titled How Do I Do It?: Internal Resource Assessment. This exercise will help you identify both the ordinary and the unique agri-tourism activities that you can offer on your farm.
PRICE: How much should you charge for your agri-tourism services and activities?
The most basic way to price your services is to use cost-based pricing. With this approach you determine your direct costs and your overhead costs of providing the service. Your price will be an amount that covers your costs and your desired profit margin. The formula is:
Price = Direct costs + Overhead costs + Profit margin
PROMOTION: How do you advertise your agri-tourism enterprise?
Promotion is the core of any marketing strategy. Through promotional efforts, you are able to inform customers of your products and services and let them know how your products and services meet their needs. The goal of promotion and advertising is simple: to reach the largest number of people in your business's target market for your dollar. Since most agri-tourism businesses have small marketing budgets, this section will focus on the least expensive ways to promote and advertise your agri-tourism enterprise.
Word-of-mouth advertising
Word-of-mouth advertising is the least expensive and, perhaps, the most effective form of promotion. Estimates suggest that a satisfied customer will "advertise" your services by telling nine to twelve other people about his or her experience. This is a wonderful reward for providing quality service. On the other hand, word-of-mouth communication can work against your business if you are not providing quality service. In order to foster positive word-of-mouth advertising, you should strive to provide good service all of the time.
Printed materials
Printed materials provide tangible evidence of the products and services your agri-tourism business provides. Since these printed materials are important to your business image, you will want to invest some time and money in the quality of the materials. Print materials such as stationery, business cards, brochures, and reservation forms should display a consistent, appropriate business logo.
Advertising through print, audio, or video media may seem intimidating at first. If you are considering broadcasting your message through any of these media, you may want to consult a reputable advertising agency. In addition, you may contact publications, television stations, and radio stations to obtain free profiles of their subscribers. These profiles can help you decide which channel(s) will reach your target markets the most effectively and efficiently.
Direct Mail
Direct mail offers an effective way of communicating your message. If you are already a member of an organization, you may be able to send your first message to the organization's mailing list.
Community network
It is possible for you to work with local schools and other community groups to promote your agri-tourism programs and distribute your pamphlets. These groups also can provide you with information about other organizations in Virginia that might be interested in your activities and services. Other groups in your area that might be interested in your services include senior centers, scout groups, and
4-H clubs.
World Wide Web page
As more and more people use the Internet as a daily communication tool, an Internet web site is one of the most important advertising resources in which you could invest. With the click of a mouse, any Internet user can access information about your agri-tourism business instantly. In addition, there are many travel-related web sites to which you can link your site in order to spread your message. Sometimes, these links are low-cost or free.
PEOPLE: Who are the tourists?
The foundation of your agri-tourism marketing plan should include a description of the people that you wish to attract to your farm. If your agri-tourism enterprise is extremely small, you may want to treat your customers as individuals and develop individual marketing plans for each customer. At the other extreme, if your agri-tourism business is very large, you may want to focus on group needs or general preferences with a touch of personality. Chances are your agri-tourism enterprise falls somewhere between the two extremes; in this case, you will choose a marketing strategy that allows you to offer different services to different groups of customers. To do this, you will need to target the appropriate market segments. You can segment your market in various ways.
Segmentation considerations2 include:
• Geographic considerations: Where are the customers from?
• Age, gender, and other considerations (demographics): Who are they?
• Social considerations: What are they like?
• Behavioral considerations: What do they want?
• Customization: How can I treat each person as an individual?
Geographic considerations
Geographic considerations involve dividing the market into different geographic units. This organization scheme may occur at any level, from nations to states to counties. The following table describes four different geographic units and highlights sources of tourists at each level.
Local tourists generally live within a short car trip away from the tourism destination. The county where the farm is located might be the primary level of tourism attraction, including all the adjacent counties in the target market area. This is an easy market to reach through local media and public services such as Convention and Visitor Bureaus and Tourist Information Centers.
Sources of clientele at the local level might include:
• Elementary schools
• Middle and high schools
• Associations of retired persons
• Veterans associations
• Church groups
• Civic or ethnic organizations
The Commonwealth of Virginia and adjacent states (West Virginia, Tennessee, Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina, Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania, New York, and New Jersey) represent the regional tourism market. Visitors from these areas are likely to travel by car, but may also use bus or train travel to get to their destinations. At this level, the primary targets should be states with high concentrations of people in cities.
Sources of clientele at the regional level might include:
• Senior citizens (AARP) or other large organizations
• Travel agencies and tour operators that specialize in packaged group tours
• Bus & tour companies
National tourism markets include all of the United States (and perhaps Canada and Mexico, due to their easy access). Similar to regional markets, the primary targets should be metropolitan areas. Because travelers from afar might want to experience activities in addition to the farm stay, it is important to develop packages that include visits to the beach or mountains, museum tours, festivals, or other local or regional attractions. An efficient way for a farm to attract tourists at this level is to work with bus tour operators and other large associations like AAA or AARP. Most of the time local chapters can get you in touch with the national organizations.
Sources for generating clientele at the national level might include:
• Local Convention and Visitor Bureau (CVB). This organization can help market your farm as an attraction within your regional destination area.
• Virginia Cooperative Extension. This service can provide valuable information about marketing and can help you become part of a tourism distribution network.
Because international tourists may have vacation periods that do not coincide with traditional American vacation periods, the international market segment may provide a source of tourism revenue during traditionally low seasons. In addition to posting your own Internet web site to attract international visitors, it is important to be connected to the CVB or other major tourism web sites in your area. The best way to target visitors at the international level is to be part of a package tour and work with:
• CVB's and other government agencies that are able to identify major players in the international market, where packaging is very important
• Tour operators
Age, gender, and other considerations (demographics)
These considerations entail dividing the market based on characteristics such as age, gender, family size, income, occupation, education, or religion.
• Baby Boomers and Echo Boomers: Acknowledged as a driver in many segments of our national economy, the move of the "baby boomer" population into middle age is expected to influence the face of the tourism industry. Folks in this generation tend to lead healthy, active lives, and as retirees they will demand access to activities, facilities, and events that today's retirement community can barely imagine. In addition, they will require quality recreation experiences and opportunities to spend time with their families. Their children, known as "echo boomers," also will have an impact on the way people do business. As consumers, echo boomers are much more sophisticated than their parents were when they were young. Since they are learning to invest their money early in life, they are wealthier than their parents were. Today's younger generations are extremely knowledgeable about technology. They use the Internet on a daily basis. In order to capture this generation of young tourists, anyone involved in agri-tourism activities must advertise on the Internet.
• Senior citizens: Like the Baby Boom generation, senior groups are growing larger. Their demand for recreational activities is increasing, as well. Many senior organizations are looking for recreational activities that provide educational and social opportunities.
• Single-parent families: Many single-parent families seek recreational and educational opportunities to maximize quality time with their children.
• School groups: Farms provide excellent opportunities for preschools, elementary schools, 4-H Clubs, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, and other groups to learn about nature and agricultural processes.
Social considerations
Social considerations involve dividing the market into consumer groups that share social class, life style, or personality characteristics. For instance, you may want to target middle class families with busy lifestyles who enjoy adventurous outdoor experiences. Or, you might target upper class retirees who like tasting wine and prefer relaxing vacations.
It is important to describe your product and service in terms of the benefits it offers to your guests. For example, you may promote your petting zoo by highlighting the fact that close encounters with farm animals provide a unique, beneficial learning experience for children. Similarly, you may promote your bed and breakfast for the relaxing, indulgent benefits it offers to busy, working couples.
Behavioral considerations
Behavioral considerations involve dividing tourists into groups based on knowledge, attitude, uses, or responses to your agri-tourism services. For example, for your overnight farm experiences, you may target inner-city school groups who know very little about nature and agriculture. This group's knowledge (or lack thereof) of farm practices would influence you to consider them for a learning experience. By the same token, for your fee-based hunting club, you may target a small group of experienced, local hunters whose recreation demands complement your wildlife management needs.
Today's marketers are realizing the importance of customizing services to fit each individual's needs. Because service transactions vary widely, it is easy for service providers to customize each service interaction and each marketing message. For customized marketing to be successful, service providers must be adaptable, flexible, and responsive. Imagine that you operate a bed and breakfast and one of your guests mentions that he is on a low-cholesterol diet. In order to customize his breakfast experience, you whip up some oatmeal and orange juice for him instead of serving bacon and whole milk. To really customize his experience with you, keep a record of his dietary needs and offer a menu of his favorite low-cholesterol breakfast foods at his next visit.
PHYSICAL EVIDENCE: What are the tangible components of service?
The area in which you interact with the customer and any tangible items that facilitate the service interaction are the physical evidence of your agri-tourism services. For instance, you may interact with your customers in a field, in a store, at the farmers' market, in a parking area, or in your home. The condition of these physical facilities will cause your guests to form an impression of your agri-tourism business. For instance, if a guest at your petting zoo notices that the barns are rickety and in need of repair, he or she may conclude that your zoo is unsafe. However, if you keep your fencerows neat, your animals groomed and clean, and your buildings in good repair, he or she may assume that you are operating a high-quality petting zoo.
Physical evidence extends beyond your facilities to the clothes that you wear and the brochures you distribute. Basically, physical evidence is anything the customer can see or touch. So, even if your buildings are in good condition, your business may still make a bad impression on your customer if your employees' clothes are dirty and their hair is unkempt. Therefore, you must always be aware of your appearance and your employees' appearance. Similarly, you must always pay attention to detail when providing any sort of printed materials for your guests to read. While a typographical error on a promotional brochure may not seem like a big deal, the customer who notices the error may wrongly conclude that you are unintelligent or sloppy. By providing attractive brochures that employ correct spelling and grammar, you can go a long way toward producing a positive image of your business.
Some other things to remember when thinking about physical evidence are:
• When a tourist travels, one of the first things he or she notices is the cleanliness of the facilities. Guests expect the grounds to be free of litter and the kitchen sink to be spotless. When planning your agri-tourism activities, you will need to pay close attention to the support processes that you use to keep the facilities clean and attractive. This may require removing litter regularly, hiring housekeepers to clean guest buildings, or rearranging garbage disposal areas. In considering the cleanliness of your facilities, you also will need to develop a regular maintenance schedule to ensure that the facilities remain in good working condition.
You will need to provide restrooms for guests who spend more than just a few minutes on your farm. The restrooms must remain clean as well as pass stringent health code standards.
• Most of your guests will want easy access to your farm's facilities. To provide access, you will need to locate a parking lot conveniently near your main guest area. In addition, you will want to consider accessibility for people with disabilities. The Americans with Disabilities Act establishes clear standards by which public spaces should be designed and maintained.
• Consider the safety and security of your guests when designing your guest facilities. A guest who feels safe at your farm will feel more comfortable and have a more enjoyable time than a guest who does not feel safe. For more comments on safety and security, please refer to the Risk Management section of this handbook.
PROCESS: How do I provide excellent customer service?
Customer service
Customer service includes giving customers what they want and fulfilling their multitude of less obvious needs. Before you begin to learn about customer service, however, it is important for you to remember that you will not be able to deliver perfect customer service all of the time. You will make some mistakes along the way. That is okay. If you put forth your best effort and learn from your mistakes, you will be on your way to providing excellent guest services. You will find many good sources at your local Virginia Cooperative Extension office or most major bookstores.
Customer-friendly attitude
Good customer service begins with a customer-friendly attitude. A customer-friendly attitude begins with the view that the customer is your job, not an interruption of your job. As a manager, you will need to reflect a customer-friendly attitude in your words and in your actions. You can begin by displaying a sincere smile and offering a kind greeting to all guests and co-workers. This will set a good example for your employees.
Service quality
Customer service experts suggest that there are five main dimensions that influence customers' perceptions of service quality. Those five dimensions are reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and tangibles3. A brief description of each dimension follows:
• Reliability is your ability to perform the promised service dependably and accurately. For instance, if you operate a bed and breakfast on your farm, you may promise guests that breakfast will be served at 8:00 a.m. each morning. You are providing reliable service if, in fact, you do serve breakfast every morning before or by 8:00 a.m. If you serve breakfast at 8:30 one morning and at 9:00 another morning, your service is unreliable.
• Responsiveness is your willingness to help customers and provide prompt service. For example, if your agri-tourism business relies on e-mail to interact with customers, then you would be providing responsive service if you return e-mail requests promptly. If you respond to e-mail requests only once a month, then you are not responsive to your customers.
• Assurance refers to your employees' courtesy, knowledge of the business, and ability to inspire trust and confidence in customers. For example, if you host school group tours on your farm, you probably receive a lot of questions from the children. If you answered, "I don't know," to every question, you would not inspire trust in your knowledge from the children or teachers. However, if you respond to each question with an appropriate answer, you are assuring the children and the teachers that you are knowledgeable about your farm.
• Empathy refers to the caring, individualized attention that you give to each customer. In a service business, each customer wants to feel like you genuinely care about his or her needs. For instance, if a customer at your pick-your-own pumpkin business is thirsty, you would be showing more empathy if you escorted the customer to the facility personally than if you simply grunted out directions. In addition, you might want to show empathy by providing water bottles near the picking site.
• Tangibles are the physical facilities, equipment, personnel, and written materials that your customers see. It is important that all tangible items appear neat, clean, and professional. For example, if you develop a brochure for your agri-tourism enterprise, you will want to make sure that everything on the flyer is spelled correctly and that the images and words reflect the true nature of your business. In addition, you will want all of your customer-service employees to wear clean, neat clothes and maintain a groomed appearance.
As you become more conscious of the customer service that you and your employees provide, you will begin to pay more and more attention to feedback from your customers. It is important that you use all comments (both positive and negative) to improve the quality of your service delivery.
Market positioning
The next step in the marketing plan is positioning your agri-tourism enterprise in relation to other agri-tourism businesses. Positioning helps potential customers know the real differences among competing destinations, so that they can match themselves to the destinations that fit their needs best. You may position your services based on price (high price versus low price), location (easily accessible versus remote), number of visitors (many versus few), and many other factors.
When considering your market position, you should do a "SWOT" analysis to determine the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of your agri-tourism business.. The following table is an example of an imaginary farm's SWOT analysis.
After determining the characteristics of the components in your marketing mix (The Seven Ps: Place, Product, Price, Promotion, People, Physical evidence, and Process) and deciding your market position, you will want to align your marketing strategy. In other words, you will need to select the best way (promotion strategy) to reach your target customers (people strategy) in order to maximize your economic returns. You will want to put your time, effort, and money into the marketing strategy that you believe is the best strategy.
Table 2: SWOT analysis
Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
My farm is close to historic site I have a very small marketing budget Attraction of tourists from the historic site Other farms also close to the historic site
My family is friendly and loves meeting new people I don't know how to operate a bed and breakfast Old farmhouse could be used for bed and breakfast Strict health code regulations
Managing and maintaining sheep herds I do not own any animals besides sheep Open a petting zoo on my property Additional animals will cost more money
Table 3: Expanded Marketing Mix for Services4
Good physical features like potatoes, corn, milk and other similar products
Quality level
Product lines
Branding People
Family members
Communication culture and values
Employee research
Location of the farm
Outlet location
Intermediaries Physical evidence
Layout of the farm
• Cleanliness of the overall farm
• Aesthetics
• Functionality
• Ambient conditions
• Equipment
Signage Employee dress Other tangibles
• Reports
• Business cards
• Statements
• Guarantees
Promotion blend
Sales promotion
Price level
Allowances Process
Flow of activities from the arrival to the departure of a customer
• Standardized
• Customized
Number of steps in the process
• Simple
• Complex
Level of customer involvement
• You pick up
• Wine tasting
Tourism Distribution Network
A tourism distribution network is similar to the agricultural product distribution network. The agricultural product distribution network includes farmers, brokers, shippers, retailers, and customers. Similarly, the tourism distribution network includes tourism suppliers (in this case Ç farmers), wholesalers, travel agencies (who act as retailers), and customers. In both the agricultural product and the tourism distribution network, direct marketing by the supplier/farmer to the customer/consumer is the most efficient and effective way of distribution. The following sections describe the components of the tourism distribution network, highlighting direct marketing as a distribution tool.
Supply and demand
Because the relationship between your supply of agri-tourism activities and the customers' demand is important, you should continuously evaluate that relationship. You might find at the beginning of your agri-tourism project that your supply outweighs the demand (in other words, you do not have enough customers). However, with a good marketing plan, you will be able to attract more customers to your farm. The most efficient and effective way of communicating with your customers is through direct marketing.
Direct marketing
The most valuable relationships that you will create are the relationships between you and your customers, particularly in a small agri-tourism enterprise. Many of the farmer-customer relationships in agri-tourism rely on personal contact; the direct marketing relationship nurtures that necessary personal touch. Direct marketing is a way for you to reach your target customers personally, without using a "middleman." By reaching your customer directly, you do not have to pay a commission to an intermediary: you are doing the job yourself. With simple, inexpensive tools like flyers, brochures, and an Internet website, you can meet and greet potential customers with your own personal touch.
Many other agricultural practices use direct marketing. Some examples include:
• Pick Your Own Produce. Consumers come directly to the farm and harvest the produce themselves instead of buying the produce at a supermarket.
• Rent-a-Tree. A family or an individual may rent a tree, a row of strawberries, a row of tomatoes, or any other kind of produce that grows on the farm. They come directly to the farm to tend the plants.
• Roadside stands. From seasonal wooden stalls to year-round rural attractions, roadside stands offer products that go straight from the farm to the customer.
• Farmers' markets. Produce and agri-tourism services can be displayed at the farmers' market. Many farmers already know how to display their products at a farmers' market. Why not advertise or offer something new, like agri-tourism services, and attract new customers?
Familiarization tour
The familiarization tour (also known as "fam" tour in tourism industry lingo) is a tool you can use to market your agri-tourism enterprise directly to consumers. As its name suggests, the familiarization tour familiarizes potential customers to your services. In a fam tour you invite potential customers to your farm to view your facilities and learn about what you have to offer. If, for example, you wanted to organize a school group fam tour, you would consider the following steps:
1. Identify schools in your area that you would like to invite to your farm
2. Contact the local school board and inform them of your services (any school board in the Commonwealth of Virginia will be interested in how your agri-tourism activities apply to Virginia's Standards of Learning)
3. Invite teachers and administrators to your farm and show them how your services can benefit them and their students
4. On the day of the fam tour (as on any day), prepare your facilities as if these guests were the most important people in the world. Treat them as you would any VIP: "Very Important Person."
Minggu, 03 Juli 2011
Cultural History Potential of Pekalongan Regency
Study on resource potential of culture, archaeology, tradition and the like is an important first step upon effort to nurture cultural heritage of a nation. Study on potential of various cultural resources, which is a valuable asset for the government of Pekalongan Regency, needs to be carried out through research, description, analysis and explanation upon finding results in one piece information.
Next objective to finding out encouraging potential of cultural diversity and natural resources is to compose information substance for the public on resource of Pekalongan Regency, which actually possesses high competitiveness and competitive proportion. The information substance on resource of historical heritage of culture is expected to be able to provide horizon of knowledge in order for society to be able to study, figure out, comprehend, protect and nurture, of which the society will eventually be able to make use for advancement of level, value and standard of the society. In addition, the information substance is expected to be usable as a reference and guide book for policy makers to manage and handle cultural heritages as well as natural resources so as for the policy makers make use of the cultural heritages and natural resources effectively and efficiently. The management and handling of resources of culture and nature (natural beauty) with interests in advancement of noble values in the life of ideology, education and economy should be expected to assist government to form complete Indonesians fulfilling righteous and bodily needs (material, moral, mental and spiritual). In the long term the result of this research will certainly be followed up with such measures as management, construction and development. In so doing, the resources, which were previously potential asset overlooked as though they had been put in ivory towers, will be usable maximally for government as well as for society as their inheritors. Heritage of prehistoric era, which has been core resources for economic development and self esteem, will therefore bring in particular interests of the society and government of Pekalongan Regency. Resource potential of archaeology, especially which in monumental structures, will denote focal points on regional development in many sectors.
Tourist objects as major means of fulfilling needs for recreation and entertainment will indirectly be usable as a centre for study on growth and development of cultural history of Pekalongan Regency. Heritage of megalithic tradition showing abilities of metal moulding has been a kind of awakening of spectacular culture of ancestors owing to its results in highly monumental structures. Abilities of metal forging and moulding have encouraged surrounding society to work, make and build big stone structures more easily. Building of sites of shrine, ceremony and burial out of big stones along with its intact conduct will become crucial in depicting patterns of act, of work and of behaviour in various activities of the society. Abstract values in the megalithic (prehistoric) era have been important in figuring out how elevated the past culture and civilization was. From the megalithic tradition worthy positive cultural items can be traced back. Negative heritage of ancestors in the past, for example liquor in ceremonies, excessive animal slaughter and the like, can be left behind. There has indeed been positive and negative heritage of the ancestors. It can furthermore be said that the building of megalithic structures was the prospective or even embryo of the rise of Indonesian temples. Megalithic structures in the form of stepped terraces provided a basis of temple structures, which has always been linked to holy mountains in Buddhist Hinduism developing era. The building of Borobudur, Sukuh, Ceto, Jago Temple and many other temples in the form step-terraced structures has been a long-displaying element of evidence for cultural acculturation . Mixture between old and new culture or between prehistoric and Hindu and Buddhist culture has mattered importantly as evidence for the idea of togetherness, oneness and unity of a nation.
The building of stepped terraces in Pekalongan Regency together with structures from the Hindu era has also been cultural acculturation, meaning that the building has also shown a way of life of local geniuses. In this term the local geniuses refer to works of creation, sense and willpower of Indonesian native ancestors. The local geniuses depict cultural continuation of prehistoric ancestors which has existed continuously and influenced culture and cultural works of the following era, the Hindu and Buddhist era. The local geniuses have demonstrated advancement and life of old culture of prehistoric era, which remained influential in the building of many sites of shrine in the developing era of Hindu-Buddha. It can then be said that the local geniuses is crucial knowledge for a society, country, region as well as nation where the sites displaying evidence of the local geniuses are situated. Evidence of local geniuses and cultural acculturation in Pekalongan Regency does not merely display cultural enrichment in the form of the building of physical structures. The way of life of the cultural acculturation and local geniuses has demonstrated spirit of togetherness in daily life and in moral-and-spiritual related life.
From the above description it can be deduced that the culture of Pekalongan Regency is usable in many dimensions and sectors, covering among others:
1. The culture of Pekalongan Regency, possessing local cultural-history is crucial in contributing to growth and development of state culture (national culture).
2. The culture of Pekalongan Regency possesses elevated historical value locally, nationally, regionally and internationally.
3. The cultural heritage of Pekalongan Regency partakes in boarding horizon and phenomena of Indonesian archaeology so as for it should be able to speak on national and regional level, covering both local geniuses (basic personality) and megalithic tradition.
4. The cultural heritage of Pekalongan Regency should be able to raise national cultural-identity and cultural-character.
5. The cultural works of ancestors in Pekalongan Regency should be able to raise national pride and self confidence so as for they should not bedazzled by other national encounters.
6. The cultural heritage of Pekalongan Regency should be power to raise national self esteem and personality.
7. The cultural heritage of Pekalongan Regency should play a role in strengthen and toughening defence and persistence of national culture so as for youth of the nation are not easily dissolved in the misleading influence of instant and glamour foreign culture.
8. The cultural heritage of Pekalongan Regency possesses power to make friendship and peace among South-East Asian countries as well as countries in the world safe in megalithic heritage of which building should far reach regions of inner and outer South East Asia.
9. The cultural heritage of Pekalongan Regency should raise Indonesian reputation and become usable for sustaining social economy as well as Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD) or local inventive income from a tourism sector.
10. The cultural heritage of Pekalongan Regency should breed solidarity and care and induce sense of belonging.
The Importance of Heritage of Cultural History
Ancestors of Indonesians have bequeathed their descendants diversity. Such diversity caters for diversity in ethnics, languages, cultures, beliefs and religions. Yet the motto Bhinneka Tunggal Ika firmly states unity in diversity, meaning that despite differences among them Indonesians are together as one. This motto should be rigidly upheld providing that this nation is working out its entity to stay in peace and prosperity under Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI) or Republic of Indonesian Nation State. In this term the culture of Pekalongan Regency has become heritage of works of Indonesian ancestors which is inseparable from other tribes and tribal cultures in Indonesia. The culture of Pekalongan Regency and the culture of other areas in Indonesia have become one inseparable unity among themselves. Students’ understanding cultural history of this nation should therefore be fostered in order for the students realize firmness of oneness and unity, which have already been endured by their ancestors through the past. If their ancestors were regarded as primitive then why the present youth of this nation could not implant sense of togetherness, oneness and cooperativeness as their ancestors did in the past. Inability which is rendered by Indonesians to build their nation and unite youth of this nation is due to egocentrism and arrogance, which only put themselves or their groups as main interest . Egocentrism and arrogance are caused by inability of this nation to implement noble life of ancestors in the past as a role model. Culture as a frame for oneness and unity has since then faded away and become powerless to raise oneness and unity, which should be embedded in the heart of every youth of this nation.
How ancestors built sites for meeting and burial in pretentious, big structures weighing at tens to hundreds of tons has reflected the noble character of the ancestors. Together they gathered stones (as raw materials), upheld ceremonies and slaughtered animals. The togetherness was induced from within the heart of the ancestors to work communally and cooperatively in numerous social activities. The togetherness can be depicted from results of studies on ethnographic analogy or ethno-archaeology through participatory observation conducted on living megalithic tradition.
Prehistoric era is an era in which written heritage could not be found. The studies on ethnographic analogy questions how Pekalongan Regency was in the prehistoric era and how the life of the ancestors was in the era. This question is a basis for stages on studying prehistoric era of Pekalongan Regency. Data which is retrievable for depicting and disclosing background of the prehistoric life is collected from archaeology resources, which are searchable in the area.
Pekalongan Regency in the classic-history era (Old-Java Buddhist Hindu) has already provided quite comprehensible notes. Yet, not all data of classic historiography, viz. heritage in Pekalongan Regency, have provided evident sources. Epigraphy of ancient inscription heritage of the classics in Pekalongan Regency has posed the regency in Old-Java Buddhist Hindu of northern Java. The epigraphy has displayed evidence that Pekalongan Regency has for centuries played important roles in the rise of Buddhist-Hindu kingdoms in Central Java.
Five of the ancient inscriptions which have been found in Pekalongan Regency cater for Sojomerto inscription, Indrokilo (Petungkriono) inscription, Banjaran (Reban) inscription, Kepokohan (Blado) inscription and Bendosari (Gringsing) inscription. One of the five inscriptions gave clues that there in Pekalongan Regency was a government under the reign of Dapunta Selendra . A number of manuscripts of folklores/ chronicles explicating kings descended from King Galuh Padjajaran, such as the folklore of Parahyangan, Siksakandang Karesian, Cariosan Prabu Siliwangi, have been said to record the same era as the manuscripts of literature of Central Java in the period of Islam Mataram . Sundanese manuscripts, which are works of literature written in limericks, have mostly explicated the life of Sundanese kings as kings of Tantra-Budhist Hindu. The Sundanese manuscripts, owing to the majority of their content which explicated mystical tales, have been unable to be categorized as a source of history. Only the minority of their content did the manuscripts explicate the power of Sundanese kings in Java. This minor content has been close to historical information. Investigation on the history of Pekalongan Regency in the classic Old-Java Buddhist Hindu era in the course of the Sundanese manuscripts has displayed only one source from the manuscript of Cariosan Prabu Siliwangi, which is related to alliance of kingdoms in Central Java and East Java in 1133 AD.
Compiling local history as the history of Pekalongan Regency needs a number of stages. Fore mostly, general aspects of the local history need to be figured out. The general aspects need be related to ancient geography and development of geomorphology of the area. In addition, correlation in historical findings needs to be verified. Archaeological evidence needs to be correlated to history of great kingdoms in classic Central Java era. Furthermore, time of transition needs to be defined. The time of transition lasted from the prehistoric era to the first century of historical era of Central Java, which was defined as the era for the entrance of Buddhist-Hindu in Pekalongan Regency. And then historical evidence needs to be marked. The historical evidence may cater for inscriptions, artefact of holy sites and other items possessing ethnographic values.
The following era was considered as development of modern history. In the modern history the advent of Islam from XIV to XVII century coincided with the growth of coastal suburbs in Java, which became the centre for economy, politics and religion. During Islamic kingdoms Demak turned into a coastal suburb, and so did Pekalongan and Batang subsequently. The coastal suburbs, which were indicated as commercial harbours, became traffic areas for trade and population growth. The harbours then grew as main power on northern Java coasts for a rural kingdom like Islam Mataram. And one important matter concerning colonialism is that European countries exploited resources from all the way along northern Java areas for food ingredients from XVII to XIX century.
Categorized as a potential coastal area, Pekalongan Regency has experienced its new history in its changing status of government in accordance with the governmental system authorized by agreement between the Dutch and kings of Islam Mataram in rural areas. Pekalongan Regency continued experiencing changes in its new history during pre-independence movements until 1966 when G30S PKI or September 30th Movement of Indonesia Communist Party burst out. Pekalongan has remained as regency since then. Each historical phase cited in Mozaik Sejarah Pekalongan has not been explicable in details. At least Pekalongan Regency, however, has historiographically possessed historical record based on scientific research findings.
Next objective to finding out encouraging potential of cultural diversity and natural resources is to compose information substance for the public on resource of Pekalongan Regency, which actually possesses high competitiveness and competitive proportion. The information substance on resource of historical heritage of culture is expected to be able to provide horizon of knowledge in order for society to be able to study, figure out, comprehend, protect and nurture, of which the society will eventually be able to make use for advancement of level, value and standard of the society. In addition, the information substance is expected to be usable as a reference and guide book for policy makers to manage and handle cultural heritages as well as natural resources so as for the policy makers make use of the cultural heritages and natural resources effectively and efficiently. The management and handling of resources of culture and nature (natural beauty) with interests in advancement of noble values in the life of ideology, education and economy should be expected to assist government to form complete Indonesians fulfilling righteous and bodily needs (material, moral, mental and spiritual). In the long term the result of this research will certainly be followed up with such measures as management, construction and development. In so doing, the resources, which were previously potential asset overlooked as though they had been put in ivory towers, will be usable maximally for government as well as for society as their inheritors. Heritage of prehistoric era, which has been core resources for economic development and self esteem, will therefore bring in particular interests of the society and government of Pekalongan Regency. Resource potential of archaeology, especially which in monumental structures, will denote focal points on regional development in many sectors.
Tourist objects as major means of fulfilling needs for recreation and entertainment will indirectly be usable as a centre for study on growth and development of cultural history of Pekalongan Regency. Heritage of megalithic tradition showing abilities of metal moulding has been a kind of awakening of spectacular culture of ancestors owing to its results in highly monumental structures. Abilities of metal forging and moulding have encouraged surrounding society to work, make and build big stone structures more easily. Building of sites of shrine, ceremony and burial out of big stones along with its intact conduct will become crucial in depicting patterns of act, of work and of behaviour in various activities of the society. Abstract values in the megalithic (prehistoric) era have been important in figuring out how elevated the past culture and civilization was. From the megalithic tradition worthy positive cultural items can be traced back. Negative heritage of ancestors in the past, for example liquor in ceremonies, excessive animal slaughter and the like, can be left behind. There has indeed been positive and negative heritage of the ancestors. It can furthermore be said that the building of megalithic structures was the prospective or even embryo of the rise of Indonesian temples. Megalithic structures in the form of stepped terraces provided a basis of temple structures, which has always been linked to holy mountains in Buddhist Hinduism developing era. The building of Borobudur, Sukuh, Ceto, Jago Temple and many other temples in the form step-terraced structures has been a long-displaying element of evidence for cultural acculturation . Mixture between old and new culture or between prehistoric and Hindu and Buddhist culture has mattered importantly as evidence for the idea of togetherness, oneness and unity of a nation.
The building of stepped terraces in Pekalongan Regency together with structures from the Hindu era has also been cultural acculturation, meaning that the building has also shown a way of life of local geniuses. In this term the local geniuses refer to works of creation, sense and willpower of Indonesian native ancestors. The local geniuses depict cultural continuation of prehistoric ancestors which has existed continuously and influenced culture and cultural works of the following era, the Hindu and Buddhist era. The local geniuses have demonstrated advancement and life of old culture of prehistoric era, which remained influential in the building of many sites of shrine in the developing era of Hindu-Buddha. It can then be said that the local geniuses is crucial knowledge for a society, country, region as well as nation where the sites displaying evidence of the local geniuses are situated. Evidence of local geniuses and cultural acculturation in Pekalongan Regency does not merely display cultural enrichment in the form of the building of physical structures. The way of life of the cultural acculturation and local geniuses has demonstrated spirit of togetherness in daily life and in moral-and-spiritual related life.
From the above description it can be deduced that the culture of Pekalongan Regency is usable in many dimensions and sectors, covering among others:
1. The culture of Pekalongan Regency, possessing local cultural-history is crucial in contributing to growth and development of state culture (national culture).
2. The culture of Pekalongan Regency possesses elevated historical value locally, nationally, regionally and internationally.
3. The cultural heritage of Pekalongan Regency partakes in boarding horizon and phenomena of Indonesian archaeology so as for it should be able to speak on national and regional level, covering both local geniuses (basic personality) and megalithic tradition.
4. The cultural heritage of Pekalongan Regency should be able to raise national cultural-identity and cultural-character.
5. The cultural works of ancestors in Pekalongan Regency should be able to raise national pride and self confidence so as for they should not bedazzled by other national encounters.
6. The cultural heritage of Pekalongan Regency should be power to raise national self esteem and personality.
7. The cultural heritage of Pekalongan Regency should play a role in strengthen and toughening defence and persistence of national culture so as for youth of the nation are not easily dissolved in the misleading influence of instant and glamour foreign culture.
8. The cultural heritage of Pekalongan Regency possesses power to make friendship and peace among South-East Asian countries as well as countries in the world safe in megalithic heritage of which building should far reach regions of inner and outer South East Asia.
9. The cultural heritage of Pekalongan Regency should raise Indonesian reputation and become usable for sustaining social economy as well as Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD) or local inventive income from a tourism sector.
10. The cultural heritage of Pekalongan Regency should breed solidarity and care and induce sense of belonging.
The Importance of Heritage of Cultural History
Ancestors of Indonesians have bequeathed their descendants diversity. Such diversity caters for diversity in ethnics, languages, cultures, beliefs and religions. Yet the motto Bhinneka Tunggal Ika firmly states unity in diversity, meaning that despite differences among them Indonesians are together as one. This motto should be rigidly upheld providing that this nation is working out its entity to stay in peace and prosperity under Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI) or Republic of Indonesian Nation State. In this term the culture of Pekalongan Regency has become heritage of works of Indonesian ancestors which is inseparable from other tribes and tribal cultures in Indonesia. The culture of Pekalongan Regency and the culture of other areas in Indonesia have become one inseparable unity among themselves. Students’ understanding cultural history of this nation should therefore be fostered in order for the students realize firmness of oneness and unity, which have already been endured by their ancestors through the past. If their ancestors were regarded as primitive then why the present youth of this nation could not implant sense of togetherness, oneness and cooperativeness as their ancestors did in the past. Inability which is rendered by Indonesians to build their nation and unite youth of this nation is due to egocentrism and arrogance, which only put themselves or their groups as main interest . Egocentrism and arrogance are caused by inability of this nation to implement noble life of ancestors in the past as a role model. Culture as a frame for oneness and unity has since then faded away and become powerless to raise oneness and unity, which should be embedded in the heart of every youth of this nation.
How ancestors built sites for meeting and burial in pretentious, big structures weighing at tens to hundreds of tons has reflected the noble character of the ancestors. Together they gathered stones (as raw materials), upheld ceremonies and slaughtered animals. The togetherness was induced from within the heart of the ancestors to work communally and cooperatively in numerous social activities. The togetherness can be depicted from results of studies on ethnographic analogy or ethno-archaeology through participatory observation conducted on living megalithic tradition.
Prehistoric era is an era in which written heritage could not be found. The studies on ethnographic analogy questions how Pekalongan Regency was in the prehistoric era and how the life of the ancestors was in the era. This question is a basis for stages on studying prehistoric era of Pekalongan Regency. Data which is retrievable for depicting and disclosing background of the prehistoric life is collected from archaeology resources, which are searchable in the area.
Pekalongan Regency in the classic-history era (Old-Java Buddhist Hindu) has already provided quite comprehensible notes. Yet, not all data of classic historiography, viz. heritage in Pekalongan Regency, have provided evident sources. Epigraphy of ancient inscription heritage of the classics in Pekalongan Regency has posed the regency in Old-Java Buddhist Hindu of northern Java. The epigraphy has displayed evidence that Pekalongan Regency has for centuries played important roles in the rise of Buddhist-Hindu kingdoms in Central Java.
Five of the ancient inscriptions which have been found in Pekalongan Regency cater for Sojomerto inscription, Indrokilo (Petungkriono) inscription, Banjaran (Reban) inscription, Kepokohan (Blado) inscription and Bendosari (Gringsing) inscription. One of the five inscriptions gave clues that there in Pekalongan Regency was a government under the reign of Dapunta Selendra . A number of manuscripts of folklores/ chronicles explicating kings descended from King Galuh Padjajaran, such as the folklore of Parahyangan, Siksakandang Karesian, Cariosan Prabu Siliwangi, have been said to record the same era as the manuscripts of literature of Central Java in the period of Islam Mataram . Sundanese manuscripts, which are works of literature written in limericks, have mostly explicated the life of Sundanese kings as kings of Tantra-Budhist Hindu. The Sundanese manuscripts, owing to the majority of their content which explicated mystical tales, have been unable to be categorized as a source of history. Only the minority of their content did the manuscripts explicate the power of Sundanese kings in Java. This minor content has been close to historical information. Investigation on the history of Pekalongan Regency in the classic Old-Java Buddhist Hindu era in the course of the Sundanese manuscripts has displayed only one source from the manuscript of Cariosan Prabu Siliwangi, which is related to alliance of kingdoms in Central Java and East Java in 1133 AD.
Compiling local history as the history of Pekalongan Regency needs a number of stages. Fore mostly, general aspects of the local history need to be figured out. The general aspects need be related to ancient geography and development of geomorphology of the area. In addition, correlation in historical findings needs to be verified. Archaeological evidence needs to be correlated to history of great kingdoms in classic Central Java era. Furthermore, time of transition needs to be defined. The time of transition lasted from the prehistoric era to the first century of historical era of Central Java, which was defined as the era for the entrance of Buddhist-Hindu in Pekalongan Regency. And then historical evidence needs to be marked. The historical evidence may cater for inscriptions, artefact of holy sites and other items possessing ethnographic values.
The following era was considered as development of modern history. In the modern history the advent of Islam from XIV to XVII century coincided with the growth of coastal suburbs in Java, which became the centre for economy, politics and religion. During Islamic kingdoms Demak turned into a coastal suburb, and so did Pekalongan and Batang subsequently. The coastal suburbs, which were indicated as commercial harbours, became traffic areas for trade and population growth. The harbours then grew as main power on northern Java coasts for a rural kingdom like Islam Mataram. And one important matter concerning colonialism is that European countries exploited resources from all the way along northern Java areas for food ingredients from XVII to XIX century.
Categorized as a potential coastal area, Pekalongan Regency has experienced its new history in its changing status of government in accordance with the governmental system authorized by agreement between the Dutch and kings of Islam Mataram in rural areas. Pekalongan Regency continued experiencing changes in its new history during pre-independence movements until 1966 when G30S PKI or September 30th Movement of Indonesia Communist Party burst out. Pekalongan has remained as regency since then. Each historical phase cited in Mozaik Sejarah Pekalongan has not been explicable in details. At least Pekalongan Regency, however, has historiographically possessed historical record based on scientific research findings.
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